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Everything posted by Galaga

  1. Maybe it is because of the abyssal sire coming out and other bosses.
  2. thats why i play with my private off. IDK i kind of hope that if my mules do get reported because i didn't respond, Jagex can see my private is off and maybe pardon me. Idk..
  3. Would you consider accepting EoC gold, or trading for an 07 Account?
  4. Galaga

    Wallpaper Pack

    Pretty cool. Thanks
  5. alot of people just want to try the item out, thats why the price of the dagger skyrocketed, then went down. Its like when dragon claws first came out. Went from 5m-50m, and eventually rested at around 25m i think. The price of AGSs has gone down because the dagger is now an *option* to the AGS. It definitely doesnt replace it though.. The abby dagger is inaccurate as hell. Like 0-0 was my best friend when i tested it. However, when it does hit, its usually big. The AGS is more reliable in my opinion, hits just as high, and remains the OP weapon of the wildy in my opinion. I would hold off on buying the dagger now, it seems to be crashing in price....
  6. How do you use different proxies?
  7. the script just stopps working for me. I purchased this yesterday, and wanted to stay up for a few hours to get me from 57-70 atk. After about 1 lv or so, the bot just stands there for hours not knowing what to do. This is very dangerous and makes me worried that i could be banned. I have a naked inventory because my def lv is high enough to tank, and wearing rune. From about 15 hrs of trying to make this thing work, it got me from 57-61 attack.
  8. Galaga

    Lvl 106 Main.

    I have a serious offer if you would like to talk to me through skype.
  9. is there any way i can get in contact with you other than here on the forums? Just for business. PM me maybe your Kik or something to talk about this? I am willing to outbid the other peoples offer significantly. (sorry if what i said is against the rules, i am new here)
  10. how do i know you won't just recover the account sir?
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