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  1. Khal makes the best damn scripts on OSBot. This one runs flawlessly per usual.
  2. Almost to the promise land fellas. 50-98 solely using Khals script and were about 3 hours away from the magic 99. One of the best scripts on the market, highly recommend,
  3. 7 - 9 hours including breaks, don't get greedy with it. I personally use Obsidian because you don't have to repair and overloads all the way. For overloads and absorbs just set a nice large range, at least 200 for absorbs and overloads I let it go up to 8 seconds before it will pop it, random of course. I cannot stress how important breaks are. Take. Long. Breaks. Correct, I tried it and I liked it, but for me I feel like you either flick the whole time or just guzzle the rock cake. That is the beautiful thing about your script my friend, lots of customization .
  4. I have been running this bot for 3 weeks straight, roughly 7-9 hours a day with at least 1 hour breaks between each dream. I plan on posting once I hit max melee in about a month. This the best script on the market by a mile. Just make sure to utilize all of the random parts of the script, the only thing I would stay away from is the prayer flicking, just my opinion.
  5. Interested in the 70-70-70 deal. Shoot me a message when you get a chance
  6. It is working beautifully. If I come up with anything else, I will let you know
  7. Yes sir, working great. I have also noticed something and it could just be me being paranoid. It appears that the script is trying to guzzle the rock cake 1 too many times. When it gets down to 1, it will try to guzzle 1 more time. May not be a big deal, but just something I noticed. Edit: Also, just an idea I had, would it be possible to add a little bit of random timer after you hit a certain HP for the Guzzle to take place? For example, you can set the script to guzzle between 2-4 HP and lets say it selects to guzzle at 3 on that round. Instead of it guzzling as soon as your hp hits 3, is there a way to have it maybe wait 5-10 seconds to add a bit more randomness to it?
  8. Thank you for paying attention to the post. Adding you on Discord.
  9. Unfortunately, no I do not. It hit me about a half hour later I should come give you a heads up. I can try it again and see what it does once my current dream I am in ends .
  10. Title says it all boys. Let me know what you would charge per 1k casts/ 1k thrown.
  11. @Token Hell of a script my man. One small issue. Whenever you select Super Magic Pots, it will buy them and go to the barrel to take them out. Once it takes out the pots, it tries to take out QTY 0 over and over lol. I switched back to overloads and they are fine. I have not had a chance to test the ranging potions, but if I do, I will let you know.
  12. Can confirm, its busted.
  13. Was this the first and only script you have used? I have used this script 30+ hours over the last few weeks and I have had no problems at all.
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