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  1. Still looking for someone to do this right now!
  2. Hello all, I am looking for someone to do Monkey Madness 2 on my IronMan for me. My Stats are 75 Att, 90 Str, 75 Def, 70 Pray, 90 Range, 82 Mage, 89 HP, 73 Agility. I have all types of potions, food, etc... 3m Cash for anything that's needed. Good gear, weapons, barrows, etc... Looking for some good price quotes. Discord: BabyICE#9915 Thank you! PS: The quest has been partially started to the point where you have to pick between the Agiltiy path or the Tanking path. I don't know how to stress this enough so i'm going to put it 5 times here. PLEASE REPLY TO THIS POST WITH YOUR PRICE QUOTES. REPLY HERE WITH A PRICE QUOTE AND YOUR DISCORD. ANY HIGHBALLS WILL JUST BE IGNORED. PLEASE REPLY TO THIS POST WITH YOUR PRICE QUOTES. REPLY HERE WITH A PRICE QUOTE AND YOUR DISCORD. ANY HIGHBALLS WILL JUST BE IGNORED. PLEASE REPLY TO THIS POST WITH YOUR PRICE QUOTES. REPLY HERE WITH A PRICE QUOTE AND YOUR DISCORD. ANY HIGHBALLS WILL JUST BE IGNORED. PLEASE REPLY TO THIS POST WITH YOUR PRICE QUOTES. REPLY HERE WITH A PRICE QUOTE AND YOUR DISCORD. ANY HIGHBALLS WILL JUST BE IGNORED. PLEASE REPLY TO THIS POST WITH YOUR PRICE QUOTES. REPLY HERE WITH A PRICE QUOTE AND YOUR DISCORD. ANY HIGHBALLS WILL JUST BE IGNORED.
  3. Hello all, I'm on wave 42 with one level 22 safespotted but I have to leave and won't be able to continue the waves. I'm looking for someone that will be able to finish the waves for me and get the firecape. ONCE AGAIN, I am on wave 42, I have 1 range pot (4), 9 baskets of strawberries, 3 karambwans, 10 prayer potions (4). I AM ON A JAD TASK. My gear is Slayer Helm (i), Glory, black dhide top, veracs skirt, blessed zammy boots, lumby ring, imbued crystal shield, 2k broad bolts, barrows gloves, rune crossbow, and avas accumulator. All I need is wave 42-firecape. Please let me know how much with price quotes and time frames. The faster the better please. I AM LEVEL 90 RANGE WITH 75 DEFENSE. Thank you! PS: I logged out safely after killing the last monster on wave 42.
  4. I've seen your message with the price friend don't worry.
  5. Added, You can't receive messages so let me know what's up here I guess.
  6. Hello All!, I am looking for a credible person to catch 5K Red Chinchompas on my IronMan Account. The account is 2 years old and has never, ever, ever been botted on. SO PLEASE NO BOTTING ON THE ACCOUNT! I have the private red chinchompa hunting area unlocked which means you will not have to compete against bots and low levels to hunt red chinchompas. I am level 88 Hunter so catching chinchompas is not a problem at all and you will have very good xp rates/catch rates. I can provide swamp tar/guam leafs for you incase you want to 3t. All i need is for someone to catch 5K red chins and not bot while doing it. Please give me a price quote and a time estimate of when the service will be done. Please no outrageous prices or time estimates. I hope you all have a good night/morning and enjoy the rest of your day! Thank You! HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT! PS: ABSOLUTELY NO BOTTING! PSPS: I recently posted about 10K red chinchompas but I got 5K done. Now I need someone else to do the other 5K.
  7. Hey is there anyway i'd be able to get a trial for this? Would love to try it out!
  8. Well it's an IronMan I have no choice but to keep them. Your price is definitely noted. I appreciate the time taken.
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