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  1. I checked but no dice, i haven't recieved any trial yet
  2. It looks good! Can i have a trial please?
  3. I'm up for beta! Will give as much feedback as possible, thanks!
  4. CosmicPlane

    OSBot 2.4.81

    Yes It happens with all of my scripts
  5. CosmicPlane

    OSBot 2.4.81

    Does anyone else experience total slowdown when you start a bot? The client runs well and then when i click "Start" not only the client chugs horribly, it also eats up like 50-75% of my CPU This didn't happen days ago and i've been botting for years
  6. Works good but the camera repeatedetly wobbles to the sides like it's trying to search for the targets, my zoom settings are normal. I don't know what causes this
  7. Thanks, also, i wanted to ask; Is there any particular reason why the bot stands outside the Nature Rift before entering? Even if it's right next to it. It strikes me as highly detectable Also thanks for the fix!
  8. The interface is too big for my screen and i cannot move the window up enough to see the "Start" button. My resolution is 1366x768
  9. May i please request a small trial? All the construction bots i've used got me moderate bans (Thank god), i just want to make sure this one works before buying
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