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Everything posted by thepecher

  1. Wow, this is amazing! You just posted that as a "trophy" or are you planning on releasing it?
  2. Let it handle obstacles Shouldn't be that hard to implement. Let people add Entities or a custom obstacle class to an ArrayList and iterate through that
  3. Never staked on rs (just on rsps with maxed acc's) Are these acceptable stats?
  4. Probably the best quote i ever saw on this forum. Permission to put in my sig ?
  5. What the actual fuck, looks fine as hell!
  6. Sounds sexy, but for webwalking. Had some cool ideas...
  7. pls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WwOZgPQwyU
  8. Yes it is, goldfarmers and gp addicts... go feast on it! http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58407-pairorbs-your-solution-to-massive-wealth/
  9. Maybe a typo Maybe i needed a object somewhere and then a entity elsewhere. I removed some script specific code so that maybe why.
  10. First off, thanks for explaining the logic of such a path handling method and his obstacle class //list is made with positions you want to reach and obstacles you want to handle public void TraversePath(Script sI, ArrayList list) throws InterruptedException { sI=this.sI; int entry=findEntry(sI,list); for (int i = entry; i < (list.size());) { sI.log("Tackling path/obstacle number: " +i); if(list.get(i) instanceof Position ){ sI.log("Instance position"); if(sI.map.canReach((Position)list.get(i)) && sI.myPlayer().getPosition() != list.get(i)){ sI.log("CanReach is true, first if()"); sI.localWalker.walk((Position) list.get(i)); clickMiniMapPosition((Position) list.get(i)); i++; } else{ sI.log("CanReach is false, second if()"); i--; } } else if(list.get(i) instanceof Obstacle){ sI.log("Instance Obstacle"); String obstacleName=((Obstacle)list.get(i)).getName(); RS2Object obstacleObject=sI.objects.closest(obstacleName); if(sI.map.canReach(((Obstacle)list.get(i)).getPosition()) && sI.myPlayer().getPosition() != ((Obstacle)list.get(i)).getPosition()){ sI.log("CanReach is true, first if()"); sI.localWalker.walk(((Obstacle)list.get(i)).getPosition()); clickMiniMapPosition(((Obstacle)list.get(i)).getPosition()); i++; } else if(obstacleObject !=null && obstacleObject.exists() && (obstacleObject.hasAction(((Obstacle)list.get(i)).getAction()) || obstacleName=="Trapdoor")){ sI.log("CanReach is false, second if()"); if(obstacleObject.getOrientation()==0 || obstacleObject.getOrientation()==2){ sI.camera.moveYaw(MethodProvider.random(246,300)); } else{sI.camera.moveYaw(MethodProvider.random(150,200));} //^for broken interaction, thanks OsBot obstacleObject.interact(((Obstacle) list.get(i)).getAction()); i++; } else{ i--; } } sI.sleep(MethodProvider.random(1000,1500)); if(i==list.size()+1){ i=0; } if(i==-1){ i=list.size(); } } } public static int findEntry(Script script, ArrayList path) { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { Object o = path.get(i); if (o instanceof Position && script.getMap().canReach(((Position) o))) { index = i; } } return index; } public boolean clickMiniMapPosition(Position position) throws InterruptedException { return sI.mouse.click(new MiniMapTileDestination(sI.bot, position), false); } public class Obstacle { private final String name; private final String action; private final Position position; public Obstacle(final String name, final String action, final Position position) { this.name = name; this.action = action; this.position = position; } public Position getPosition() { return this.position; } public String getAction() { return this.action; } public String getName() { return this.name; } }
  11. Basic: Interaction Walking Basic logic behind scripting Banking paint etc... Advanced: GUI Multiple classes Node framework etc..
  12. Yeah you can but usually testers don't know that so i don't care. Never gave out a fully working script so yeah... Swizz's option might be better. This is just a quick thing you can put in your script incase you need a tester quickly.
  13. I don't have a server. This is for local jars you send to people to test (obfuscated if wanted)
  14. Date currentDate = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date date1; date1 = sdf.parse("2014-09-15"); if(currentDate.after(date1)){ log("Test version expired, stopping script"); stop(); } // import this: import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
  15. Wouldn't MethodProvider.random(int,int) do the same. If you don't want to allow max or min, you reduce the interval?
  16. f2p+wc bot = insta ban. Learn how to bot man. Ofc they'll catch a lvl 3 botting wc in f2p
  17. heineken why is that beer even famous
  18. You're belgian right, yeaaah you're belgian
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