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Bronze Poster

Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. hey could I get a trial of this please? Really want to get 99 cook and this script looks like what I may go for
  2. Hey man, looking for a reliable cooking script for journey to 99. Could I get a trial please??
  3. (bought it! ) But all of a sudden its not working, at the start of every script start it just instantly banks then logsout EDIT: Fixed through trial and error
  4. Never got round to using my trial :'(. At least im ready for barrows now though, have 76 mage
  5. Great thanks! quick question, will 61 atk 65 str 60 def 43 prayer 56 mage 44 range be enough??
  6. Highly considering buying this, it looks neat! could I have a trial please?
  7. xanthor

    Molly's Thiever

    hmm this doesnt knock out menaphites and pickpocket them..
  8. xanthor

    Fruity NMZ

    Okay Fruity sorted it all for me thanks again man
  9. xanthor

    Fruity NMZ

    i even tried starting once I was actually in the nmz. after I drink the vial
  10. xanthor

    Fruity NMZ

    I feel like I wasted money here... I start it after I join a dream and it just logs out.... I have lots of prayer pots in invent
  11. xanthor

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey, just bought this..have no idea how to use it though. When do I start the script? What items do I need? etc. also when I do start it...it just hovers for a bit then logsout
  12. loool i just got ban too...ever since I started range guild hmmmm. anyway, only 2 days ggwp
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