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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Yes Could you open the logger (bottom right corner, 3rd button, toggle logger) and copy paste what's printed when the script starts? It should display a list of settings on start/end
  2. Authed Sure, I'll look into adding more teleports
  3. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Gear preset with spell on autocast
  4. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It was supposed to work, but that's a rarely used setting; I'll check it out later today Sure, I'll make it stop if it fails Thanks, I'll include a fix in the next update I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials
  5. They are not permanent, but they will last at least until a couple days after official release (which may happen tomorrow) Authed Authed
  6. Authed Authed Mirror mode randomly breaks sometimes, those are the kind of issues that can be resolved with a restart though
  7. The donor feature has been discontinued years ago, I never removed it from the script
  8. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Conflicts with the charged items it uses as teleports during quests, there are ways to work around that but it's unnecessarily complicated There's a few problems with interactions on the most recent client version, we will have a new version shortly to address that
  9. That was a way I attempted to prevent some weird bug on mirror mode where it items instead of using them on objects, it may rake the patch multiple times if weeds grow rapidly
  10. Is this on mirror mode? Are you using the new mouse?
  11. Authed Should be fixed now hopefully
  12. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It should select the rewards you select on GUI; if no rewards are selected, it will select some default ones I haven't extended the ironman support in a very long time, but I have a few ones on my to-do list; it may also be easier to run in debug mode after I add custom bank teleports and spell teleport support That's usually caused by wrong item definitions provided by the mirror client when switching from a F2P world to a P2P world that were saved in a gear/quest preset. It's best to load a new client whenever you switch from F2P to P2P on mirror mode to avoid this problem (until we have a new mirror client version to fix this automatically). That gear preset now contains "Members object" because that's what the client detected as item name when saving the worn equipment. You can either overwrite the presets by saving another preset with the same name or delete them. To get rid of that gear preset: Close the mirror client Go to C:\Users\<USER>\OSBot\Data\StealthQuester\GearPresets\ and delete the gear preset that you used when running it above; also delete the quest preset if it was saved from C:\Users\<USER>\OSBot\Data\StealthQuester\QuestPresets\ Start the mirror client Select a P2P world and log directly into it Create a new gear/quest preset Do not log into a F2P world while that client is open; if you end up in a F2P world and have to switch back to P2P, make sure you restart the mirror client and log directly into the P2P world to avoid loading corrupted item definitions
  13. Token

    Stealth Quester

    What's your HP level? Which items were lost?
  14. Missing rake/seed dibber/spade Authed Authed
  15. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It shouldn't be the case. Only other thing which can contribute to this right now is a problem with clicking small rectangles in the most recent client version, but a fix should be included in the next version
  16. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials Going down as in the website going down, or closing the client?
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