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Script Officer
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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Fill in the bug report template
  2. Token

    Stealth Quester

    If anyone is still encountering issues on the latest client releases hit me up but please fill in the bug report template and most importantly let me know if you are using low cpu mode or anything else but the default mode as there have been countless complaints about the low cpu mode on the latest client versions, which was also previously known to cause errors related to inventory/bank/grand exchange
  3. You need to snort some doge and relax
  4. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Yes, but right now I'm working on rewriting every single interaction to get rid of the interaction bugs from .126 There is a known issue where people complete Goblin Diplomacy manually and they do it differently than the script, but I'd need someone to let me know how they complete it differently so I can add it to the script Authed Authed
  5. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Was the script restarted with debug mode inside the arena? Is the 2nd log also from Fight Arena? Where did you encounter issues on Shadow of the Storm? Yes Authed Authed Authed Authed
  6. Same as doing it manually Authed
  7. Authed I doubt it's high because it's not commonly botted, it's only used to build goldfarming accounts not to make gold on it's own. The script is rather new on the SDN anyway and I don't remember ever hearing a ban report so far.
  8. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I needed a name for them, that was the closest There is no ETA
  9. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It should reattempt if it dies so there shouldn't be any issues, let me know if you encounter any though Thanks, I thought that was fixed, I'll push another update
  10. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Potions would create too many inventory conflicts Are you still encountering bugs even on .127? Authed
  11. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Monkey Madness 3 That's what legit players offer for it atm Authed Depends on quest Authed Authed
  12. Token

    Stealth Quester

    1 auth per person
  13. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I haven't even finished the bug fixes for the last update yet
  14. Token

    Stealth Quester

    That would help a lot
  15. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Thanks I'll add it that to my bug list
  16. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I am aware of a few issues caused by the new client version, the fix should be on SDN soon Authed
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