The rope and bolt of cloth shouldn't cause any inconvenience since they will eventually be in bank, but going to hire a butler every time is definitely a bug that I'm going to take a look at shortly. By going to hire a butler you mean teleporting to ardougne and going to the servants guild or just using the ardougne bank to restock? Does it realise it doesn't have to hire a butler just by entering the servants guild? Does the butler spawn on the ground floor when entering the house or is it upstairs/dungeon?
The script was designed to provide 100% automation with 0 human input required at very fast xp rates for the whole construction skill. The script will go through a short initialization state when it's started, it gathers info about the context it's going to work with, such as looking in the bank to know what resources are available, going to house to verify the whole configuration and butler. It requires a lot of knowledge because the script is supposed to do literally everything. While most construction scripts require you to start the script with supplies in inventory and select an object to build then manually stop the script to change the object, 100% automation means it will even buy a house if you don't have one and is supposed to get 99 construction within 24 hours on a fresh account using the fast mode without any input. I didn't think the 5 min initialization would be a problem because the script wasns't supposed to be restarted at all. Are you experiencing any issues which force you to restart the script?