It uses GE for anything
Yes, but won't be supporting all quests since some items are quite hard to obtain
There have been like 200 updates, out of which the ones which added new quests are posted on the thread so only about 10
Yes, but it's really not worth it for iron men because the requirements are very strict
Those quests have safespots implemented, you need to set up a gear preset containing a spell in order for it to know what spell to use, or use the quick start options which have spells set up for those quests
I'm not sure how that would affect Mountain Daughter
Should be fixed on next SDN update
The new version is pending approval and the new quests should be visible on the GUI in any moment. The script now supports both Black Demon & Mountain Daughter NMZ packages, and also does The Tourist Trap in order to obtain the agility requirement for them. I strongly advise you to be careful when running The Tourist Trap on fresh accounts, I worked a lot on the boss fight to make it low level friendly and succeeded in all test cases. Let me know if the bot happens to die, I may be able to improve it even further.
Version 1.9.2 (12.12.2017)