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Script Officer
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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Authed What does the gear preset look like?
  2. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I'll look into it Yes I've pushed the update to make it eat excess food, just waiting on approval What's the issue? It's from your gear preset, remove it or create another gear preset Working on it Only if you have gp for the items Authed I'd rather add content to the same one Users have ban rates, it's up to everyone's botting technique Authed You can select individual quests that you want to do on the 2nd tab What's printed in the logger? Anything is useful, it doesn't have to be an error stacktrace Authed Authed Did you have bank tabs/mirror mode? Authed Authed Authed
  3. I pushed a fix for the resources just waiting for it to be approved, I'm having problems with one of the servers atm sorry for the delay
  4. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Authed Worked so much on making it low level friendly that I never tested on high level accounts I'll make it drop food if it really isn't using any That looks like RFD Pirate Subquest may have already been started on that account, not all quests are supported when they are already in progress before running the script Was it standing near the lake where it charges the bellows? Was the bellows empty? Maybe Dragon Slayer. I did look into Monkey Madness a few months ago and I really don't think that's a good idea for now. Authed
  5. Prayer reaches that 400k xp/hr with ~50 sec afk sessions, construction is very click intensive and not afkable at all. Since it cant be afked, you are better off going for best xp you can get which is about 900k xp/hr with mahogany tables so they actually charge you ~16m/hr for construction
  6. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Meh I'll add a bit of support for iron men soon since I've had many requests, so running the 7 QP in some special iron men mode should be the same as not buying items from GE
  7. I'm afraid the 1 auth per person rule has to be strict, but the 24 hours has always been considered a very long trial time. I give people long auths so they have the time to press the run button regardless of what time zone they live in, most scripters as far as I know usually give 3 to 6 hour trials even though they are not required to give trials at all (I was even advised against giving trials a few times)
  8. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It uses GE for anything Yes, but won't be supporting all quests since some items are quite hard to obtain There have been like 200 updates, out of which the ones which added new quests are posted on the thread so only about 10 Authed Authed Authed Yes, but it's really not worth it for iron men because the requirements are very strict Yes Those quests have safespots implemented, you need to set up a gear preset containing a spell in order for it to know what spell to use, or use the quick start options which have spells set up for those quests Yes Authed I'm not sure how that would affect Mountain Daughter Should be fixed on next SDN update Yes Yes The new version is pending approval and the new quests should be visible on the GUI in any moment. The script now supports both Black Demon & Mountain Daughter NMZ packages, and also does The Tourist Trap in order to obtain the agility requirement for them. I strongly advise you to be careful when running The Tourist Trap on fresh accounts, I worked a lot on the boss fight to make it low level friendly and succeeded in all test cases. Let me know if the bot happens to die, I may be able to improve it even further. Version 1.9.2 (12.12.2017)
  9. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Authed The Grand Tree & Tourist Trap Not planned for now Authed Authed
  10. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Authed Authed The new update will be live soon, I'm not doing private scripts Authed
  11. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It does if you set a spell in the gear preset
  12. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Authed Authed Authed The regen bracelet is not required by the script, it's from your gear preset Authed It buys the orange and slices it Seems to be working for me Corrected
  13. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Did it burn all cakes?
  14. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Yes Yes Are you using mirror mode? Do you happen to have some chats disabled on that account like, public/game?
  15. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Authed Authed Authed Authed Authed Authed
  16. Token

    Stealth Quester

    All trials were deleted until the client is fixed
  17. Token

    Stealth Quester

    It says you had one on 2017/08/11 Authed Authed Authed Authed Authed
  18. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Check the logger, it should print the issue, sounds like you got pending offers in GE
  19. You have black background, but you don't have :shitbox:
  20. And by nicer i mean add :shitbox: that i always wanted
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