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Just do it once, wait for them to tell you no, keep going. Try all the jmods that can be contacted... after all it's not mod weath that does ban appeal reviews. I've had many accounts unbanned and the email was always signed by some random jmod that I never heard of.
Thanks, I'll look into it shortly
Yes... they like to unban people who actually play the game. Bans nowadays are only targeted against goldfarmers. If you did buy membership with real money instead of bonds then you have 100% success rate. Try the ban appeal form first https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115002238729-Account-Bans, if that fails just start tweeting mods some sad story until they unban your main.
Just tweet all jmods until they unban your account, if you really didn't run a farm they will do it
The next update will contain Dragon Slayer, but Shield of Arrav is not planned in the near future so won't be doing ALL of them for now Maybe I see you selected Animal Magnetism, make sure the account you are trying to use meets all requirements for that quest Skills: - 18 Slayer - 19 Crafting - 30 Ranged - 35 Woodcutting Quests: - Ernest the Chicken - The Restless Ghost - Priest in Peril Other: - ACCESS TO MORYTANIA (THE SCRIPT WILL AUTOMATICALLY OBTAIN THIS REQUIREMENT DURING PRIEST IN PERIL, MAKE SURE YOUR ACCOUNT MEETS THIS REQUIREMENT IF YOU DID IT MANUALLY INSTEAD) PS: I believe you are missing the last one since Priest in Peril appears on the GUI, the script doesn't recognize it as completed because you may have done it manually and didn't talk to Drezel at end to gain access to Morytania Well I guess you understand there are so many different "account builds" nowadays that one quick start option can't fit everything (nor detect if the account owner wants to make some special type of account), but the quest lists for each quick start option is posted on the thread Needs some updating after the recent quest additions but Vampire Slayer has always been in there, afaik I made all options to be pure friendly as in no defence xp (hopefully I'm not wrong on that one), all spells are set on offensive style and for melee weapons I think it's using strength xp style, it used to do them with attack but I think I changed it to strength because there are more account types with fixed attack than those with fixed strength PS: definitely not for stuff like 1 attack 1 strength 99 defence, forgot what people call these
Well that's just a problem of using data structures in java, I don't think this is scripting related at all https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_data_structures.htm Check out a few tutorials on java arrays, collections, (and streams for java 8/9) etc https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_arrays.htm https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_collections.htm https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java8/java8_streams.htm // walk to some position, make sure the bot can reach that position // (loaded into the current region, no obstacles between // the bot and the destination, also check the Z coordinate because // it used to not be taken into account and probably remained like this // for backwards compatibility) Position destination = new Position(someX, someY, someZ); if (myPosition().getZ() == destination.getZ() && getMap().canReach(destination)) { log(String.format("walking to %s: %b", destination, getWalking().walk(destination))); } else { // doge } // or if you want to walk a certain path, for cases where the end position may be too // far away to be loaded into the current region but you (assume) can // reach it by advancing into the path Position[] path = {destination1, destination2, destination3, destination4}; log(String.format("walking path %s: %b", Arrays.toString(path), getWalking().walkPath(Stream.of(path) .collect(Collectors.toList())))); // or just look up the LocalPathFinder in the API docs for lower level // access to local region path finding LocalPathFinder lpf = new LocalPathFinder(getBot());
It's more about the user settings I need to know when handling bug reports Authed Yes Authed Somewhere in the 70-80 range Authed Yes a popup should appear If you are you sure you set the gear preset correctly, yes
Fill in the bug report template
I personally only run a few quests at once (probably no more than 3) and I always create my own gear presets instead of using the quick start options, those are only provided as a feature, not necessarily a better option than creating your own quest lists with your own gear presets
I was not aware, but I was not against outsourcing the order. I don't mind it as long as the service is done.
Not atm, I'll see if I can do that but I've got a long priority queue right now for bug fixes Yes, it's been on my to-do list for quite some time, there are other things I'm currently working on Authed I would strongly recommend against using it on ironmen, the item requirements are too strict, eg. it will require everything including teleport tabs and enchanted jewelry Authed Authed All trials are 24 hour long Authed Are you sure that's not on mirror mode? Authed Animal Magnetism has been rewritten to handle the translation notes buttons regardless of context, I've also added stamina potions to make it faster, and the new Draynor manor teleports (thanks to @Kubaslushh for lending me a test account)
Authed Authed Authed There was a broken hook in the last client version, try it on the new stable build
It's been on my to-do list for quite some time 24 hours They are grabbed off rsbuddy, may take a bit longer sometimes It means you already had one before Authed Just run a few quests with your own gear presets instead of the quick start options I'll check rs updates for it to make sure Was working on making user defined presets
If it's not showing up means you already had one Will be pushing an update shortly Authed It means you have already started Plague City and didn't finish it But she always needed 1 iron bar? Was this changed this tuesday? Authed What client version are you using? Authed It means use uncharged items in your gear presets What client version are you using? Is it stealth injection or mirror mode?
Authed Will try to find a way to work around that, but it's impossible to determine if your account hit the GE limit from a script atm
Try it on the last client update, there have been like 4-5 quick updates most likely a few bug fixes in there Authed What client version did you use? What bow and arrows did you load into your preset? Authed Authed Will take a look at it when I'm out of bug reports What client version did you use? Authed Alright I'll check it out Make sure you don't have pending GE offers Is that on mirror mode? What client version did you use? Authed Mirror mode fails to handle widgets at least since the 2015 december version, I don't know when or if the mirror mode client will be updated to handle widgets properly Make sure you don't have bank tabs Authed Yes Authed There's a lot of work to be done on the script right now, going through a lot of changes on recent game/client updates but will implement it when I have time Authed The instructions clearly state (unless I forgot what I wrote in there) to not have bank tabs
It's very likely OSBuddy's exchange data API is under maintenance, did you run through a proxy which OSBuddy may have blocked from accessing their website? Authed Authed Authed Authed
Yes Idk, I don't go through all of them at once The bug fixes were approved earlier this morning All update logs are on the thread Authed Authed The script has some very strict requirements, theoretically it will work if you get everything including tabs & food, but it's really not worth it for iron men Authed Authed I included a fix for this in the last batch of bug fixes, it's been live since this morning The bug fixes were approved this morning Didn't you have one on 2017/08/02? The bug fixes were approved this morning Authed Which button was clicked? Authed Should be fine, let me know if there are any bugs after the last round of bug fixes I added some quest stage debug code a few weeks ago on the GUI, if you are still experiencing that press F3 while the script GUI is open and send me the long list of number pairs it prints in the logger Authed The bug fixes were approved this morning Fill in the bug report template if you ever see it stuck searching for items at GE, did you use a custom gear preset of your own? I've heard of several cases where people put untradeable/very expensive gear in their presets which made it impossible to obtain if they didn't already have it on that specific account. There was no point in trials when I knew for sure at least some quests had bugs which made them impossible to complete, which were already fixed, and about 12 hours ago the update was also approved so everything should be functioning normally Authed The last batch of bug fixes was approved earlier today I added some quest stage debug code a few weeks ago on the GUI, if you are still experiencing that press F3 while the script GUI is open and send me the long list of number pairs it prints in the logger Not as far as I know, unless your gear preset is set on def xp Yes Brews & anglers won't help you in there with 10 hp, they can still 1 hit you. The script was designed to engage into combat with the skeletons and run from safespot to safespot in the tomb. If it dies, it will just try again. 1 auth per person Authed Trials are 24 hour long, no shorter/longer Authed Authed
Working on it Authed It will automatically use them, on some of the latest quests only atm Authed It says you already had one I'm still working on a few bug fixes