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  1. Problem at essence, worked fine for about 15 minutes then when inventory is full it will still click the essence mine and do nothing, now it keeps doing that whenever its inventory is full even after 1 invent
  2. Maybe im not inputing the info correctly but when i launch it says bot initialization error and in the logger it says "Can't connect to SOCKS proxy:network is unreachable: connect" Nevermind i just had the port in the wrong spot lol all works fine now :p! Dont know how to delete topics lol
  3. can i please have a trial homie?!
  4. may i please have a trial of this as well?
  5. May I please have a trial of this?
  6. yeah, is the new solo stuff updated?? plan to buy when it is
  7. hey can i please have a trial for this script? very very interested, much appreciated
  8. sack was not empty, i repeat sack was not empty! thanks for the quickest best help yet again khal!!!!!
  9. stuck on status "retrieving prices"
  10. all other scripts are working for me, just yours aren't.. weird nevermind scratch that, just this one
  11. nope, nothing I'm running in stealth mode not mirror this is what it says at the bottom: ][bot #1][10/22 10:20:49 PM]: Applet resize : (765, 503) [iNFO][10/22 10:20:49 PM]: Started bot #1 [DEBUG][10/22 10:22:43 PM]: Loading script id : 612 [DEBUG][10/22 10:22:43 PM]: Loaded script! [DEBUG][10/22 10:22:43 PM]: Launching script... [iNFO][bot #1][10/22 10:22:43 PM]: [break Manager] After botting for 67 minute(s), you will break for 78 minute(s). [iNFO][bot #1][10/22 10:22:43 PM]: Loaded 6 built-in random solvers! [iNFO][10/22 10:22:45 PM]: Started script : Khal Motherlode
  12. Script doesn't work, when i start it, bot just sits there. i have d pic spec ticked and avoid players ticked. I'm starting it in front of bank nothing in inv
  13. Trying to run at polvineach rooftop and just is stuck on "camera rotation" or "setting up script" I'm running in stealth injection, bot just sits there. at first it climbed the beginning building but went no where from there
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