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  1. Is there a possibility of you adding in support for player rejuv pools etc ? It's running out of run energy now, which isn't perse that bad, But my character runs by the pool everytime i go for a run. Script works amazing, Any roadmaps for future support? Fruit/big Trees? Thank you!
  2. Made around 35Million on a single character in 4 days time. I Botted around 10-12 hours a day with minimal breaks. Eventually got a manual bann. I pressume from getting reports trying to fight a barrows brother that would spawn next to the coffin. Making the bot space out and go up & down again for a reset OR the double clan wars teleports it often pulls. Either way, Solid bot. I'm a bit spooked to use again, but for science i will moderate the times a bit more and frequently swap between bots to make it look a bit more humanlike Love to see the new features in the next update
  3. I would love this, Script is amazing. Has little bugs you can work around; starting it in the tunnels after a crash will make it crash again. Or when it's looking for an item in your bank and it won't scroll through your bank to retrieve it. Also having one of the outfit items in your inventory (after using a duel ring and stopping the script) will make it log out Would love to see banking time shortened as my chest only take 3-4 minutes, but almost 7-8 minutes in total for a run with banking and regenerating health. Thanks for the already great working script.
  4. feelsbadman, script runs fine though. Thank you. I guess perks of being the only construction bot on OSBot tho
  5. Script works fine! But 165k xp/h on oak dungeon doors is really slow. Any chance you could look at slightly altering its speeds? often just chills next to the door frame
  6. Hey guys! So 3 years back, i got caught on livestream botting my butt off on my main account. As i don't learn from my mistakes... I tried to bot on new characters whom would get banned not long after creation. I heard alot about, creating an account on a different IP or Computer to prevent yourself from getting banned like that. Would it be completely stupid to bot on my Main account whom previously got permanently banned for "Macroing Major" Im down to get a proxy and whatever. "There's always a risk in botting and if you don't want to get banned.. Don't bot" I'll take the risk,
  7. Correct! that way you only need 1 bot with 50+ construction ^_~ Thanks! i'll purchase the script now, awaiting for the changes you'll make. EDIT: also if possible is there a way you can add the "call butler" feature they've added into the game found in your house options? it ran after the butler for a long time..
  8. I'm about to purchase the script, Currently i'm using one of your competitior's script where i can use my main as host and my slaves teleport via glory and home teleport back towards Rimmington where my main bot is located at.. Is it possible to do the same within this script? Main uses butler Slaves uses Edge bank + teletab back. Thanks!
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