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Trade With Caution
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About taybae60

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  1. Saw a program about this once believe it or not, I'm fairly certain it has something to do with the decomposition of the organs creating gasses, that's why dead fish float so take that amount of force and multiply it by thousands of pounds and this is the result
  2. I have a fully quested main with void mage and range and 97 magic 89 range that im selling for cheap if you want looking for like 70m
  3. I have a high level main, 115 cb quested yada yada yada, dont know if youre interested, let me know if you are
  4. I do not man, only taking RSGP atm, but I'm selling for cheap so throw out any offer you'd like
  5. That' the plan, but the guy offering had like 3 posts I think he's backing out at this point
  6. Message me I have an account that I think you'll love and I'm selling for cheap
  7. taybae60

    Buying a main

    Message me if you change your mind
  8. taybae60

    Buying a main

  9. Sure thing man, although I have a 35m offer atm so you'd have to beat that
  10. Don't forget "gime your whole bank"
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