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Everything posted by Vexare

  1. Please post a virus scan when done.
  2. Try using a different account http://gyazo.com/c46d70004a80edeb26631bf4003e90a6
  3. Vexare

    Bot nuke

    When is the bot nuke happening ?
  4. This only happens when I have OSBOT open and running I was wondering if this happened to anyone else because it's very very annoying when it shuts down when I'm doing something. Please help
  5. I thought it was 4/1/2512? Can you please not post false information.
  6. Vexare


    Yeah I think the system is broken needs to be reasonable if you're suspicious and their doing some sketchy stuff you should be able to leave neutral FB that says, something along the lines of, Sketchy trader. And It's almost impossible to leave negitive FB if some one was really rude and was a dick. sadly it's like this sorry
  7. Vexare


    Yeah I don't know I absolutely hate the feedback system seriously. It's like you're not allowed to leave neg or neut FB it's wacky. I hate it
  8. Is it worth it to bot Rs3 then swapping it to 07? i want to start doing this because I'm tired of buying new accs to bot on and them getting banned within 3-5 days.
  9. I see that Jagex loves to ban my accounts I love you too Jagex especially you Mod Mark http://gyazo.com/205eb2c59873f954716e0b3e5a5a1ca7
  10. Vexare


    I don't know dude thanks for bringing this up though I would like an answer too.
  11. Ty, some one finally says it
  12. Make sure you get it from a trusted scripter
  13. Been trying to get mine back since august no chance so far
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