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  1. Can i get a 24 hour free trial please
  2. can i get a 24 hour trial please would love to try this.
  3. want to try the script to see if its good
  4. Just sent you a bunch of stuff on discord Philly_d94#5758
  5. Yeah its still happening, ill try and do some problem solving myself starting with the afk mode(moving mouse outside of screen) When i mean still happening, it died from not drinking restore potions around the 30min mark. Edit: Nothing changed by unticking the move mouse outside of screen option. Still dies by not drinking restores. Second time within one hour. Seems like it dies then logs out, back in and restarts from scratch again, just wasting a bunch of gold by doing this.
  6. Having problems again, been happening so much. It just decides to stop drinking restore pots and dies. Also enters nmz stands there and dies, it doesnt respond walking to the spot/drinking overloads and restore pots at the very start. It's very temperamental sometimes it works at the start then it'll just die 30 mins later. Mirror mode Here's the logger but don't think it tells you anything about these problems. And yes log in before i even start the script.
  7. When using mirror mode, load your prefered client (mine is OSBuddy) - DO NOT LOGIN TO THE GAME - Load OSBot's Mirror mode Client - AFTER OSBot has found the client and login screen is visible within OSBot - Login and start script as normal. If you start mirror mode while already logged in, mirror mode fails to recognise whats going on within the game and script will not function properly! Just tried this, working right now will let you know how it is in the future.
  8. Script was doing great for ages, now it just dies from not activating prayers. Im using restore pots and overloads, has been happening to me for over a week now, most of the time when it re-enters it will start correctly again but usually the first dreams it enters it dies on. However it then dies throughout the dream from running out of prayer points im assuming and just doesn't drink your restore pots. Mirror mode.
  9. Not sure if it helps but my ip basically changes everytime i connect to the internet. Since i got this new internet, this is the longest iv'e lasted botting. Botted nearly a week straight so far, would usually be banned within 2 days lol. Im using stealth mode also, no mirror mode.
  10. No ban, still going strong LOL. Should have 85 thieving by the next 2 days. (this is on my account that already has a bot busting ban from a year ago) Im doing up to 10 hours a day.
  11. went from 54-65 thieving so far in autumn, switching to summer now. Also 9-34 farming
  12. This is just a throw away account of mine i got done for bot busting over a year ago. Just thought i'd test the ban rates out before i start to use this on other accounts of mine. If i hit summer garden without a bot ban 2 days afterwards ill run it on other accounts. Not suicide botting, i do play legit on the account and all that. This kind of script could be very helpfull for someone wanting to sell accounts, just the fact your levelling farming and thieving at the same time.
  13. @ScummyBotter Yeah mate the pestle was my fault, looking at mirror mode now isnt working with the scroll wheel. I remember a few other scripts having problems with the scroll function also. Anyone wanting to fix this script for mirror mode you just need to zoom right out manually by clicking the bar slider before you start the script. Also this is my 3 hour proggie from picking fruit autumn garden, think i got about 104k thieving xp after trading the squirks in.
  14. Running this right now, collecting fruit. Will make squirks myself. Will post a good proggy later on with fruit collected. Was running in looking glass at first, however it was getting caught 100% of the time in autumn garden. Ran in stealth mode and noticed it zooms out far compared to looking glass(dont think it zoomed out at all). So that could be the problem, or just the fact lg is laggy as fuck. 33min 1 invo banked real easy, and grabbed the potions out for another run. Yeah im not sure why i had a pestle in there also lol.
  15. yeah it keeps right clicking on the foreman and not actually clicking pay for the people that are under lv60 smithing. Also when it banks, it bank the bars then closes the bank then opens it again to withdraw the ore. Wasting allot of xp and money doing this. Not sure if ore specific was using gold ore at the time also just stealth injection.
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