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  1. Yes i am I caught a temp ban last night due to the bot getting stuck
  2. not dying now was invocation but now it stalls at bank before drinnking stam and wont ppot
  3. just keeps dying in multiple scenarios with 0 lagg
  4. Running smooth as ice now. No worries about the down time. The script has always been nearly flawless and i have ran a shit load of farms in my day. I run multiple at the moment but this is by far the best i've ever had as far as profit margins, minimal supervision/baby sitting and bugs. Keep it up. You the man! Appreciate the hasty hotfix
  5. i'll sc share later if needed chris. gtg to work
  6. Major major major bugs since you updated the save log!!! it messed up on death and x'ed the script and also keepings looping ferox enclave tele until rings are gone...this is by far my favorite farm and i have to shut it down until this is fixed. will copy the cli in them morning if needed.
  7. Fruity im having an issue with 3 new accounts that i added to my farm. Last shift of 3 precious accounts ran fine. Just bought supplies for all of these accounts and now it wont recognize the recoils/rings of dueling in my bank
  8. this script is working like trash im about to ask for a refund it wont pray and it wont even loot shit
  9. sometimes it waits for bars to cool with ice gloves and i keep getting stuck at bank trying to fill coal bag or receive ore. Any ideas why?
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