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Everything posted by Fishing

  1. Can i have a trial of this?
  2. Fishing

    pc 71-76 agil

    Most people charge 40 gp/xp for agility, so you can calc it yourself easily
  3. Most people charge 40 gp/xp. So should be like ~67m.
  4. Definately recommend to buy from realist.
  5. Fishing

    service done

    EDIT: no agil needed, @tehgousch did this for me!
  6. Fishing

    service done

    osbuddy screenshot of every level and total xp gained. is that ok how much u need for supplies Edit: only need 30-35 agil. Can use A pie for +5 boost Edit: only need 30-35 agil. Can use A pie for +5 boost
  7. Fishing

    service done

    if u record the whole service ill pay u more
  8. Fishing


    I can bot I for you
  9. Fishing

    service done

    How much do you need for supplies?
  10. Fishing

    service done

    The title pretty much says it all! Post your price(s) below. No bots can be used. Combat stats: Service done.
  11. Come in to the chatbox and we'll talk there Messaged.
  12. i'll message you once AnimalSeller is done
  13. @AnimalSeller is doing dragon slayer for me, post prices for 1-18 slayer
  14. As title says, need dragon slayer done. EDIT: need 1-18 slayer too, varrock mus for 1-9 Post price(s) below.
  15. Getting banned from organizing bank eh make sure to check wc xp btw. OT: Do it
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