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Kramnik last won the day on October 11 2021

Kramnik had the most liked content!


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Adamantite Poster

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  1. Yeah, a lot of problems got solved in my sleep. Sucks because it intervenes with sleep but awesome because you solve the problem.
  2. Honestly there is no such thing as "dedi vps", its either dedicated server (dedi) or virtual private server (vps)
  3. Use good proxies when creating accounts and use good proxies when using the account. Thus both you and the buyer should have good proxies to not get locked
  4. Its more like this: Buy proxy Make Acc Buy Bond Suicide Get banned
  5. No, because such service would be dumb. And if someone would offer it, it would just be a scam. Ban appeals are lottery, plus there are some things that matter before getting banned. And even if you do everything right its never 100% chance of unban. I have plenty of experiences where I created 5 accounts on same day, all botted same activity, got banned on same day. When I appealed 3 got appealed successfully and 2 denied.
  6. Have a good thought if this is the right path for you. Most people think that they just make some quick gold to buy items for the main accounts but that fails miserably. You might spend couple bucks on proxies, 10-20$ on scripts and lose 10 accounts in first week. Thats like 140M down the drain that you could simply just bought
  7. Best way for me to check on bots is to have discord webhooks. Easiest way to know status of your farm. If you dont have that setup you could setup RDP and use RD Client to connect
  8. Honestly its quite random. I know people that were very confidient about their first ban being 2 days ban. Bam perma banned, bam appeal denied. High total account gone.
  9. There is no world 51 in OSRS. Thats your problem i think
  10. Best gifts were old good cash. Endless possibilities.
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