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  1. This script is stupid functional and packed with features. Going to be worth way more than the $ amount that it will sell for. Imagine being able to make your own custom script, tailored to your custom needs, with absolutely no programming experience required. Quite literally, changes the botting game, and will encourage script writers that use the OSBot API to step it up in terms of complexity and quality if they want to stay competitive and relevant. Good job Project, The sleepless nights have been worth it
  2. Honest Review - This script really shines with Project's Progressive Mode, Custom paths, Reaction times, Buying any of the items you need, and going to not heavily botted areas automatically. The limited slots definitely lower the ban rate because less accounts are giving Jagex patterns. Even If you select the location of where you want to skill (i.e varrock salmons), it is pretty efficient. However if you use the 5x5 mode, expect to run into a lot of bugs and issues with "Looking like a bot". It gets stuck often if it isn't a "Supported" location and you decide to bank. I think that it is an awesome value, 3 scripts in 1 is a pretty cool idea. I think that this script has loads of potential but there are a couple of things that need to improve to become close to what Project's Hunter has become. Namely, 5x5 mode improvement on mining specifically (Possibly holding the same square because ores don't move). On a brighter note, This script is VERY stable at the locations that ARE supported (Decent amount). You can set it up at one of the aforementioned locations and trust that it will run until the end of time. Being able to start this script, and having it walk to a skilling location and start right away is awesome. Not to mention, You cant beat the price. 3 skills in one script, from a very active scripter, for $15. TLDR : This script is an awesome early buy-in. With all of Project's other scripts constantly being updated and new features added, you can bet your best goat that this is going to get much bigger.
  3. Assuming you are talking about Mirror Mode and NOT LG, I can help you if you still need. @The Kappin
  4. You're actually just retarded so lemme break it down for you. 1st of all If your IP or UID is flagged, your accounts are being watched. 2nd, You dont buy a quart of ice cream, eat it, and then take it back to walmart and tell them u want ur money back because it made you fat. I've used this script to get 90 hunter in under 2 weeks. You are just being utterly autistic with your botting times / methods. The bans are a result of YOUR incompetence, and in NO way reflects the quality of the script nor the "Ban rate". A little proof for you...
  5. I need 43-60 agility on 1 account, Post your prices and availability below!
  6. What is the point of this thread xD
  7. Uhh... Build a mini ITX or something similar, Micro ATX if you want something bigger. Will take up the same amount of space as a decent sized laptop, you can upgrade it and have a dedicated GPU for half the cost it would take to build a laptop of the same size, and you can play games other than OSRS. If your budget is 2k you can pretty much get any decent laptop, but whatever laptop you buy is gonna be outdated in 5 years. If you are looking for a laptop to ONLY play runescape then just go on craigslist and pick up a cheap one, and spend ur 2k on something better. I've run 3 OSbuddy clients on a Pentium with no graphics card and 4gb of ram. If I were you, I would actually use your OLD one for runescape, and pick up a NEW one for school (Depending on what you're going for, I.e Engineering would require a computer that could run AUTOCAD software and such.) https://pcpartpicker.com/list/VqTDbj
  9. Maybe give him another day? His last login was tuesday... @Decode
  10. @Decode Has he Pm'ed you anything? Any updates?
  11. Title says it all, I would like 1 - 40 agility. Quote me a price, and time frame, and screenshots at every level. Must be hand done. We have to use MM.
  12. First off, Start with something simple to get the hang of it. 1. FTP botting on 1-2 accounts is perfect, Even if they are suicides. You dont want to drop bonds on 5 accounts and get them all banned before you break even. 2. Figure out what kind of farm you want, Long term investment or Short, and how much money you want / need up front. For a members farm you usually need stats, therefore you dont want to go suiciding or getting your accounts banned, (In my opinion). With a FTP farm suiciding is pretty common from what i've seen. The idea is to make money and mule before the account gets banned. 3. Look for new methods, stuff that isnt saturated. 4. Take mommy's credit card or learn java, Either way, you're gonnna want private scripts, especially if you are gonna be using a private method. 5. Invest in VIP, Run multiple bots at once. 6. Invest in High Quality Proxies, You dont want chainbanned 7. I normally run all my bots on fresh VM's to reduce the chance of getting chainbanned to almost nothing (Never been chainbanned using this method) All I can think of right now New PUBG map just dropped so yeh.
  13. @Decode Thank you. About how long do you think? Im not really worried, as i said I didnt sell the account.
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