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@Czar Only one account ever botted on, only this script. I don't blame the script, I think I got caught in a ban wave after Thanksgiving. It was a temporary ban also, got my account back already. Results below if you want pics for your frontpage. This was roughly 84k pickpockets from master farmers for 3.6m exp just from MF alone, and I obtained ~85k xp/hour so this would be roughly 42 hours of master farmer function of the script, AFTER getting 99 with the same script at knights! Holy cow! Great work Czar, so impressed. Over 100 hours botted with this script for 16m exp total gained. https://imgur.com/gallery/5jwWfd7 Here are the final images from my results with the script. Final tally was ~16m thieving exp obtained, 3.6m exp from farmers the rest from knights. Knights yielded me ~14m gp, the MF results are below. Notable seeds from master farmers, 103 snapdragons, 26 torstols (1/10k drop rate), 79 cadantine, 171 avantoe, 101 kuarm, 33 dwarf, 36 lant, 312 irits, 430 toad, 120 Harallanders (would be more but stopped collecting since they're not that useful, 913 watermelon seeds, 663 snapdragon seeds, 64 seaweed spores, 61K Barley! .... and drum roll.. 464 RANARR Seeds!! Honestly its more like 500 ranarr seeds since I did herb runs, but holy smokes I'm set on seeds for a year at least! That's nearly 3750 prayer pots once I finish planting them. This script has been absolutely AMAZING for my ironman account, I am leaps ahead of where I should be because of the gp obtained from knights and now the seeds from master farmers. It was well worth the temporary 3 day ban I got a couple days ago. I will be retiring this account from botting now that I have obtained these results. Czar, I am a very satisfied customer. Best of luck to everyone in their journey with this script, I give it 11/10 stars.
Mirror mode, loaded up fine after I installed webwalking. Script started normally, I left it alone and checked back 30 minutes later and I had been logged out and banned. Was a Friday so maybe I was flagged for something the day before? Not sure. I got 16m exp off this script, as well as 14m cash and like 15m worth of seeds at least. No regrets!
@Czar @claws42 Well, looks like both I and claws were a part of a ban wave today. Although I saw it coming eventually and knew things had to end, I'm sad it came this week when I was so close to my goal. This post will serve as an update from my recent post regarding my journey to 99. As I previously said, I was going to be testing the master farmer function of this script. I am here today to say that it worked flawlessly for me, even better than ardougne knights actually. My ban this morning was a temporary ban (account had zero offenses) and I believe was just an unlucky coincidence that sounds like happened to a few other people as well. Regarding my use with the master farmer function, it worked impeccably. For background, I was level 99 and did not fail pickpockets. I thieved in the north house of Hosidius for 4 hours roughly every day, usually 2 hour sessions twice a day. I did farming runs in between. My account is an ironman. I am absolutely set on herblore exp and potions because of this script. It obtained me over 3m exp post-99 at master farmers. I will post a screenshot of the seeds I obtained through this script. It is over 450 ranarr seeds and over 100 snapdragons. Amazing. Still no pet unfortunately though, 16.5m dry!
@Czar @claws42 Well, looks like both I and claws were a part of a ban wave today. Although I saw it coming eventually and knew things had to end, I'm sad it came this week when I was so close to my goal. This post will serve as an update from my recent post regarding my journey to 99. As I previously said, I was going to be testing the master farmer function of this script. I am here today to say that it worked flawlessly for me, even better than ardougne knights actually. My ban this morning was a temporary ban (account had zero offenses) and I believe was just an unlucky coincidence that sounds like happened to a few other people as well. Regarding my use with the master farmer function, it worked impeccably. For background, I was level 99 and did not fail pickpockets. I thieved in the north house of Hosidius for 4 hours roughly every day, usually 2 hour sessions twice a day. I did farming runs in between. My account is an ironman. I am absolutely set on herblore exp and potions because of this script. It obtained me over 3m exp post-99 at master farmers. I will post a screenshot of the seeds I obtained through this script. It is over 450 ranarr seeds and over 100 snapdragons. Amazing. Still no pet unfortunately though, 16.5m dry!
https://imgur.com/gallery/Oi7KpUs @Czar I apologize for the lack of a formal proggy image, I decided last minute to get the last few xp manually with friends (shh). I wanted to make this post because although I know the front page proggy pictures help the reputation for a script, the comments are an additional resource for potential customers to view quality of scripts as well. I am making this post for potential buyers interested in a thieving script. I have used Czar's scripts in the past, some with great success and others that unfortunately ended in bans. I will not be commenting on those scripts, but just wanted to say I have a history with this scripter. I purchased this script in mid October of this year when my account was already 66 thieving done manually. I cannot attest for success of this script regarding leveling strategies beyond Ardougne Knights. I have solely used the Ardy knights function of this script, nothing more. I can say that since my initial purchase, I have today achieved 99 thieving. I think the grand total was 66-99 in 25 days. First, thank you Czar! Secondly, I wanted to provide some information that may be useful to others considering this script for their own thieving success. For background, my account was a level ~1400 total ironman before using this script. I have never botted on the account, and the IP address is a new address not associated with any other OSRS accounts or previous bans. I believe that assisted me greatly. I used mirror-mode only, it is worth the VIP cost. In terms of specifics regarding the bot, I botted on high population worlds in the ardougne south bank. I ran the script for a max of 3 hours in a single session, and a max of 6 hours a day. I will say that initially, I only botted 3 or 4 hours total a day but by the end of the journey I was botting around 5 or 6 hours a day because I did not fail at knights any longer. The settings I used were, "Save NPC", "turn off run for lured NPCs", and "withdraw only when out of food". I ran the script between 1700-2600 ms for the speed setting, and it was random whenever I loaded it up but usually around that range. I withdrew 20 food at a time, and obviously selected "save coins". I utilized an OSRS clan chat called "thieving host" that provides worlds where a splasher is located so the knight doesn't move, however it often does move around the room but within 3 or 4 tiles until the splasher logs or loses aggro. Let me state, I NEVER left this bot alone. In the past, I have burned by being overconfident and leaving a bot alone after never having issues, only for it to of course have issues when I stop watching it. I always had it within view every 5 or 10 minutes, I study on my laptop most of the day for school so it was easy to keep it visible. Let me reiterate, I do NOT recommend leaving the bot on its own without checking in occasionally. One time, only one time, I left the bot running when i went to workout for 2 hours. When I got home, the bot had only accumulated 30k xp and was sitting in a random building in ardougne logged in not doing anything for 1 and a half hours at least. I thought that was going to be the death of me, but I was never flagged. Additionally, when using the worlds provided in the cc, the knight will lose aggro randomly due to splasher error and if you're not watching the bot, you'll be noticed as the guy continuing to thieve when everyone is telling you to stop thieving the knight, and you'll likely be reported as a bot when its clear you're not actually pickpocketing. If you watch the bot occasionally, its like an afk skill that you never have to touch outside of checking it every now and then. Piece of cake. In terms of gp/hr and xp/hr, I have to say I was initially disappointed by the xp. The bot only achieved 75% or so of expected xp in the discord, but I think it worked out well because a bot that is max efficiency for too long would be flagged as an inappropriate user for sure. From 95+ I was receiving 185-200k xp/hr and around 240k gp per hour. Before 95, I would say 120k xp/hr and maybe 150k gp/hr. In total I think I made something like 14.5m. I did not use dodgy necklaces. I recommend ardougne medium diary, because without it the xp rates I have provided will not be achievable. After achieving 95, you stop failing and it is much cleaner to bot (and no banking!). I hope this helps, lmk if anyone has questions. Czar, thanks man. You saved my wrists, my fingers, and my sanity. I am going to attempt to use the script at master farmer's, though I am nervous because of it being a highly botted area and there is not much information in these comment forums regarding peoples success or failure with thieving master farmers using this script. Thanks again!
Any chance you ever experimented with master farmers with this script?
Anyone have experience with using the master farmer option on this bot?
@Mad Jew Hi mate, could you elaborate on the settings you used to achieve 99 thieving with this script? I am having difficulty with ardy knights. I am using the splashed knight in the thievinghost cc world, and at 70 thieving my xp is only 45k/hr. I am working on ardy medium but still I know that is very low. I got more doing it manually so I know it's possible. What settings did you use specifically for ardy knight? I would greatly appreciate a detailed response if you have the time, congrats on your achievement!
Just got 1-83 construction for the third time. Thank you! I used phials method and although xp rates are lower than demon it is less click intensive and I felt safer doing it that way!
Script worked well for 30-80 strength and 40-75 ranged but just received a temp ban. Well worth the 5 bucks. My advice is don't bot over 3 hours at a time and quest in between sessions. Going to have to manually play now but glad this script got me to a solid base level. Thanks APA!
@Czar so I have attempted to start using this script again after good results in the past (prior to escape mode) and after I booted everything up and set it to escape mode with all character settings default (zoom and hotkeys) as well as hiding NPC attack options. It works for the first 2 or 4 arrow shots but after 2 or 4 arrows it just hovers with the "target hit" screen still up without exiting out of it or clicking anywhere on screen. I am not using mirror mode. Is there an account you have where you could test it to see if you can replicate my results? The log shows nothing after the initial start up code. Hope to get some answers! I want to be able to run it more than a few seconds
Can you tell us whether you used esc mode or classic setting?
Hi Apaec, Script is giving me some unusual error today. [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:17:59 AM]: Sandicrahb interaction failed [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:17:59 AM]: Walking to bank. [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:17:59 AM]: Sandicrahb interaction failed [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:00 AM]: Walking to bank. [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:00 AM]: Sandicrahb interaction failed [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:00 AM]: Walking to bank. [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:00 AM]: Sandicrahb interaction failed [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:01 AM]: Walking to bank. [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:01 AM]: Sandicrahb interaction failed [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:01 AM]: Walking to bank. [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:01 AM]: Sandicrahb interaction failed [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:01 AM]: Walking to bank. [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:02 AM]: Sandicrahb interaction failed [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:02 AM]: Walking to bank. [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:02 AM]: Sandicrahb interaction failed [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:02 AM]: Walking to bank. [INFO][Bot #1][01/12 11:18:03 AM]: Sandicrahb interaction failed Just this over and over, it isn't able to talk to the boatman for travel to or from the island. This is a fresh account and so maybe I have to do something with the boatman dialogue before it will work correctly? any help you can offer me?
I have been able to make ~50 mil in 5 days without babysitting it. I bot around 3-4 hours at a time but sometimes less than 1.5, depends. I have been lucky I think but the script has had zero issues. I would say do stuff when you're not botting like questing or staking ( ). Just find settings that work for you and wait until you see that dreadful message when you try and log in I guess. Don't use an account you care about.
@Fruity Wondering if this will pick up and bank pet if looted? Also does it count as a valuable drop where it would log it and email it? Thanks! Day 3 and at ~230 kills so far. Works great.