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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Booch


    Live Chat isn't used for support. Thanks OP for posting a thread instead On Topic: I think you must meet a certain requirement before posting there
  2. Booch

    OSBot Mods

    What's all this yabbing about? Coming from a guy who speaks his mind and general doesn't lean towards the Staff's side, most of times they are right. The community is fresh and needs constant Moderators and Admin to clear out unnecessary threads/posts. I agree that he closed down the GFX thread, I posted a thread a few weeks ago regarding the Service Provider integrity and how often people are being scammed. Before staff have settled to the point where they may stamp 'VERIFIED' on a person people shouldn't go out posted, VOUCHED/TRUSTED unless they got alot of good feedback from SEPARATE individuals. Also Moderators may be biased at times, it's only natural but you guys are simply jumping the gun and trying to raise awareness to make everyone think they aren't doing a good job. They are and we have nothing to complain. Want me to complain? Here we go, half of you guys acting all super smart and super goody to look good and hopefully get some staff role, even though i sound like a hypocrite saying this as I was one who applied for forum Moderator AGES ago but never got an answer. Moderators should be themselves and if they do something wrong just explain why they did so and I'm SURE 9/10 will understand.
  3. Cheers Laz, when the abyss random going to be solved? (Doing Green Drags and every now and then when I teleport to varry it get's stuck in the Odd One Out abyss random)
  4. A thread regarding this has been posted and has been approved by Kati. Just wait for them to update it as they're very busy right now
  6. With all honesty Peter seemed like a really nice guy. Rather strict with his rules but those are rules. As far as his argument went with 'Medic', I haven't read it but if it doesn't involve direct offensive language towards the guys there shouldn't be anything wrong. As a Moderator and head staff of the group you should always allow the hired person to be themselves, it only looks bad on the head staff demoting him from Moderator as it shows that they didn't get to know him well enough beforehand. If a person is posting something which makes complete nonsense I will most likely call him out on that. If a person talks bullshit, I'd do the same and so on. This is a more mature oriented forum, we try not to feed little children (Not age itself but their mentality & character). If you can't take criticism then this forum isn't the place for you. EDIT: Just read previous posts, if he had the chance to delete the posts and settle things out but refused to do so then yes. I still feel sorry that he got demoted nonetheless
  7. I'm sure a MILLION people would LOVE to have your account and go post bullshit on your behalf cause you're clearly an important person and feel that posting insults with your account would actually offend someone. This is the internet kid, people give importance to roaches
  8. I had something to say that you sound pathetic with these posts. ATLEAST try to use your brain a bit more whether you're lying or not(Probably are). The 10 year old 'My bro hacked my pc' excuse is the oldest trick in the book. Go lick your friend's butthole somewhere else, and don't drip
  9. THIS is even more fucking hilarious hahaha. Sorry mate but i'm calling this bigger bullshit than Nicki Minaj's new remix
  10. put me in pol, gif me h8 and maek me faemos plis
  11. Being on the forum for a long period of time doesn't mean you're trusted but being ACTIVE throughout the whole time on the forum, aiding people, communicating and even simply chatting. You grow a small bond with the same people and when they realise that they will trust you. Didn't any Admin/Moderator get to see this yet? Don't want it to go to waste
  12. Maybe VMM should pay a certain amount (Not too big) to a spare account which is just kept incase a MM scams. The administration may pay the refund back and also ban the MM. Obviously don't trust MM's with huge trades either, know the limit and unless do such big trades if it's an official admin him/herself.
  13. As said above, all service providers should pass through a specific filter than individually verified by an Admin to prove their validity.
  14. Yea, this aswell. Same applies for MM.
  15. Donate all your gold to me to ensure eternal youth. Trusted/Vouched

  16. Well done putting this out. Will post out if i notice any bugs
  17. That's the most ignorant thing they could do to show their validity. Showing vouches from another website just shows they're legit towards that specific forum/community and shouldn't influence us. This forum is young, fairly small and I want it to grow in good hands with people that have good intentions. The person with high reputation in one forum will come here, scam an easy 20m deal, leave the forum & when they report to him on the other forum he'll simply go be 'Someone was impersonating me' and using another Skype instead of his actual one.
  18. Glad the support is there lads, post your suggestions on how to make the system rather better
  19. This is absurd. Everyday we're getting WAY too many people opening 'Services' such as Questing/Minigames/Levelling which is all fine as it's a service and is mutually beneficial to both parties. I try my best to help out every new service provider to start their business out but feel disgusted giving away a vouch(Which i'm very strict at giving) to a person who then goes and scam quits from here. Services should ONLY be allowed to be opened to people who pass a certain filter, for example; - Time of account creation - Post count (Even though this is easily bypassed with spamming so we need good control on that) - Profile 'Likes' (It's fairly easy to prevent people from farming profile likes) - Open a 'Service Opening' thread and then scanned through by a Moderator to then declares whether person is allowed to use or not via a badge. Etc. Etc. I know the 'Everyone must start somewhere' argument will spring up but if you're going to offer a service which might cost us our account security then you better be a trusted member. I really hope this passes through and i think it's better for both Clients and Service providers. Thanks
  20. Booch


    Oh if it's a seperate section than yes. A specific sub-forum dedicated to Scamming/Scammers
  21. Booch


    - Don't think we specifically need a 'Scammer' button. Believe it or not the less buttons the better, just leave it at report a person and once a person is tagged 'Scammer' then it will be shown below his name in bold red like done in TF2 markets. - Giveaways should be okay depending on Donations:Receivers. At this point in time not many people are in the position to give away and yes, there may be a few out there. There'll be way too many people just waiting to leech every single giveaway though. I suggest stalling this as of right now - I don't like the agree as i've been in forums that use this setup and only resulted in WAAAY too much spam, BUT. If you're going to implement a rather unique ranking system than yes. Instead of POST-count it should be LIKE-count and the liking system should be brought back to the table and polished to prevent any 'Like farming'. - Totally agree, especially for people who run shops. This will prevent ALOT of spam. - Don't know what SOTW is Ideas are good, just need polishing and alot of thinking before implemented.
  22. I voted pink since i'm alpha as fuck
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