Been using this for a few days now and it seems to be running great, only thing i see is some games that i get into people will sit at the gates and keep the door closed, so after the script runs arround for a little it will try and open a door, when doing that a player will close the door right after it opens and the script runs arround in circles again most of the time ending up getting kicked from the game duo to no activity. Also ive seen that when it tries to attk a portal and there are brawlers in the way it will just sit there and won't attk the nearest target or the brawler its self. not sure if those effect others but just tossing it out there.
Other then that, runs great and was a good buy. keep up the great work! ill post a proggie soon tho it won't be any of those 20\h ones im not ballzy enough to run something for more then 8h in a day ;P.