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  1. I also have been banned after using this the other night =/, It get me full void and a few hundred more points tho After only using this and mirror mode it is sad to say R.I.P account.... Never ran it more then 3 hours at a time and no more then 2-3 days a week. It had to have been doing something obvious or questionable =(
  2. I believe i fixed my own prob by re downloading the whole program, not sure why but mine was being buggy, seems to be running like a charm.
  3. Souleater696


    Forum's sometimes SMH
  4. So is there no more auto updates? or do i just have to DL this one by hand? because it has been auto updating its self for months now, and same with the mirror.
  5. As of yesterday i tried to update from 2.3.98 to 2.3.99 and nothing was happening when i tried, it just sat there. i proceeded to the web site to find that it was offline, today i checked the site, everything was working so i tried to update it again to no prevail. Is there a reason it won't update or do i have to re DL the whole thing?
  6. Nope ;P i looked there to start with and nothing to be found. thinking it might have saved under a dif location or something but still no luck searching. i found them, they were moved outside the osbot folder for some reason, not sure. Thanks tho!
  7. I was looking for my OSbot screen shots to post a proggie or 2 and can't seem to find them. Any ideas?
  8. Java 32 and 64, they both should be uptodate, i should check that.
  9. [iNFO][08/14 05:20:18 AM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.3.98! [iNFO][08/14 05:20:20 AM]: Loaded 2 RS accounts! [DEBUG][08/14 05:20:20 AM]: You last logged in as : Souleater696 [iNFO][08/14 05:20:21 AM]: Loaded 0 local scripts and 0 custom random solvers! [iNFO][08/14 05:20:22 AM]: You have 4 SDN scripts loaded. [iNFO][08/14 05:20:22 AM]: There are 184 scripts on the SDN. [DEBUG][08/14 05:20:22 AM]: OSBot is now ready! [iNFO][08/14 05:20:22 AM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 88! While searching for a client to attach to it will sit there forever doing nothing, was working like a charm just a week orso ago.
  10. Been using this for a few days now and it seems to be running great, only thing i see is some games that i get into people will sit at the gates and keep the door closed, so after the script runs arround for a little it will try and open a door, when doing that a player will close the door right after it opens and the script runs arround in circles again most of the time ending up getting kicked from the game duo to no activity. Also ive seen that when it tries to attk a portal and there are brawlers in the way it will just sit there and won't attk the nearest target or the brawler its self. not sure if those effect others but just tossing it out there. Other then that, runs great and was a good buy. keep up the great work! ill post a proggie soon tho it won't be any of those 20\h ones im not ballzy enough to run something for more then 8h in a day ;P.
  11. Is this still working correctly? for some reason i cant get it to work =/.
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