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  1. Has the blowpipe been fixed yet
  2. Can I get a trial on this
  3. It did a help a bit and its seems to be whats happening, it attacks right after a kill instead of waiting sometimes
  4. I figured out the problem, I was on the low resources so I didn't see what was being alch'd and noted. I was making a new profile each time My current issue is, every other kill it completely ignores the drop even if its on the loot table (this time loading a profile) Looting Settings I have on -Only loot my targets -Loot while in combat
  5. Does this script support Guthans gargoyles? I try to add items to alch in the lootlist and items to keep in the inventory but every items is checkmarked with the alch option.
  6. Can I get a trial on this Edit: nvrm bought it
  7. are demonic gorillas possible with this ?
  8. Can I get a trial on this chief
  9. 1 Temp Ban on record
  10. Last week it was running somewhat decent, now it's constantly busting -Mirror Mode -Breaks on client -RC on 2-2 -I don't have any settings turned on in the "Stopping Conditions" (I think thats what it's called) Barely finishes a dream, Drinks absorption really slow first run
  11. bot for 180 minutes then break for 50-60?
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