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  1. Hey Czar I posted once before but think you may have missed it. Could I ask again please: I'm interested in this script but literally only on the most anti-ban thing you have. Would I be correct in assuming this is high alcing at a bank in ge? Also, what anti-ban measures have you implemented in script? I.e. is there random delay clicks while alcing or are they exactly the same? Also could you let me know what options in either your script or in osbot settings I should enable for absolute maximum anti-ban? Looking forward to your reply man
  2. Hi I'm interested in this script but literally only on the most anti-ban thing you have. Would I be correct in assuming this is high alcing at a bank in ge? Also, what anti-ban measures have you implemented in script? I.e. is there random delay clicks while alcing or are they exactly the same? Also could you let me know what options in either your script or in osbot settings I should enable for absolute maximum anti-ban? Looking forward to your reply man, looking to buy asap. Thanks.
  3. How else u gonna get dem stats lulz fuck real training
  4. Umz

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey man, I'm looking to purchase this. Could you please provide me a 24h trial so I could test out script so it does what I need? Thanks bro
  5. Ouch. I had pretty much same account as you except I literally just got range lol. Stats on ban were: 78 attack 99 str 70 def 99 hp 94 magic 99 range rip
  6. botting with osbot since beginning of botting career? well you joined on december 21 2015 lol. That means your osbotting career is a grand total of 1 month and 8 days lol
  7. probably just duel arena stake it ;D lmfao you cunt
  8. Umz

    Fruity NMZ

    You quoted me but didn't even reply lol
  9. Not gold farming for cash. Gold farming to keep gold lol I thought "gold farming" was just the process of farming the gold itself in rs, not selling it for irl cash? Dunno could be wrong, correct me if I am...
  10. Hi there guys! So I am thinking of making a few bot accounts in the future to gold farm! My question is that do any of you know of any safe ways to trade over gold into my main account without getting my main banned? Would you duel arena challenge? Drop trade in wildy or some shit? What's the best possible way? If you do them both on the same IP, will this be a problem?(I only have my personal internet lol). I've heard of proxies, but not 100% how they would work(all I know is that it gives you different IPs to work with through some proxy server, but don't know how this is implemented). Prefer not going down proxy route though... What do you guys recommend?
  11. Umz

    Fruity NMZ

    How's the banrates on this? How do you recommend using the scripts to minimise banrates?
  12. One of these days I'm totally going to get into scripting... seems like a really great hobby to get into programming. Then I can slowly extend into clientside programming! and maybe help osbuddy!
  13. Very nice. Would it be possible for you to maybe randomize the % that it sips prayer point? This may seem like just a small add-on, but this is the difference between getting banned or not banned! = good script/bad script! After that, if you could just sort out sipping overloads (randomized over 1-10 seconds after it runs out), then you have yourself a solid script for a good purpose!
  14. Hey there I think there should be another subscription version called "Pro". This version would cost 4.99 per month as opposed to VIP at 9.99. Basically, I think there is a niche market for people who do not have mass bot farms. The VIP method allowing unlimited bot tabs is fine for people wanting something like 20+ bots or whatever, but for me I would only have 2 or 3 MAX. If there was a cheaper version, less than the current 9.99 I would gladly pay up for it, but since currently I only have 2 accounts I use, it's not the best option for me, and nowhere near affordable. What do you guys think? Some say VIP will lose so many members, and people will stop paying 9.99, but I think this will bring comparably a lot more people in than how many people losing out at VIP. Plus the "Pro" version could only allow for 2-3 only. Even 2 lol
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