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  1. trial please and ty
  2. I purchased the bot and I love it! The only frustration is when you're resetting sometimes people will run past your crabs causing them to wonder around when you get back.
  3. Has cannoning support been added yet?
  4. Progamerz thanks for the tip I've taken a break from osbot for a long time. Thanks again for the info APA, everything you said makes sense. I'm enjoying the bot and have no complains
  5. Sweet! Thanks for the Trial and the quick reply... I do have one more question lol. When the bot runs to reset aggro does it always take the same path? For example: Say I'm camping in West 4 and it's time to reset aggro. Does the bot click on the exact same tiles to move far away enough to reset the aggro? Or is there a group of tiles the bot goes to and the clicking path to get there is different every time. I would argue this would be the number one way Jagex can detect an AFK bot. If the bot is clicking the same tiles 50 times in a row to reset aggo that's too obvious lol. The food change would also be of great use! If they can detect that I eat shark every time my hp hits 52 (since the rock crabs max hit is 1) that is a give away. Besides that the bot looks amazing! I plan on trying it out soon and most likely will purchase it Thanks again *EDIT Oh I'm on Claw Island spot 3 and It looks like to me its going to the same spot at the tip of the claw every time. Would it be difficult to allow us to highlight lets say 6x3 tile area of our choice and the bot runs to one of the tiles randomly each time? Also, this is probably outside what osbot lets you do, but is there a way to override the random dismisser? When a random pops up the bot dismisses it in under a second. Seems very automated. Thanks
  6. Hello! I liked your thread and I'm hoping to try out the bot via a trial. I had a few questions about the possible settings. I want to use this to AFK 3 sandcrab spawns. Can you set the mouse to move off screen? Like it drags away after clicking as if you're working on something else on the desktop. < Huge buying point Can you set the camera move time and random clicks to high random variables like 2 minute to 30 minutes? Does the bot always eat once the percentage of health set is gone? Or can it eat eat at like 30%-60% How random is the refresh rate and can it be for 3+ minutes? Pretty much I want this bot to act 100% like I do as I'm afking a 3 crab spot. The camera might stay in the same place for hours. I only click to move to refresh crabs. The eating is random but always above 20%. I don't pickup loot. The mouse MOVES OFF the screen. The refresh might be instant or could take a couple minutes. Thanks for your help!
  7. Hello! I liked your thread and I'm hoping to try out the bot via a trial. I had a few questions about the possible settings. Can you set the mouse to move off screen? Like it drags away after clicking as if you're working on something else on the desktop. < Huge buying point Can you set the camera move time and random clicks to high random variables like 2 minute to 30 minutes? Does the bot always eat once the percentage of health set is gone? Or can it eat eat at like 30%-60% How random is the refresh rate and can it be for 3+ minutes? Pretty much I want this bot to act 100% like I do as I'm afking a 3 crab spot. The camera might stay in the same place for hours. I only click to move to refresh crabs. The eating is random but always above 20%. I don't pickup loot. The mouse MOVES OFF the screen. The refresh might be instant or could take a couple minutes. Thanks for your help!
  8. Once I set the safespot the bot just stopps , well If i move the bot moves back to the safe spot. But the bot doesn't attack
  9. hey czar I liked the topic! could I trial this one?
  10. I liked your thread could I trial this?
  11. 1. Service requested: Skills: Strength 64 to 75 | Range 51 to 77 (Account has 40 attack and 1 defense 1 pray) 2. Contact info (skype): tommyboiz1 3. Do you agree to pay up front or do middlemen?(yes/middlemen): Pay up front 4. Do you agree to my service ToS?:​ Yes
  12. Did you add me on Skype yet: I think Ranged/Prayer/Def Level: 70/43/1 Payment Method: paypal Will you vouch/feedback me: yes
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