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Everything posted by Indigoizm

  1. These were the people I was talking about, saucers. The unnecessary time and thought into the irrelevant comment regarding what he and his friends do.
  2. I got you, I just wanted to say that to make sure... because people do that as it is in real life, so imagine the level these fuckers on the internet will take it. I have way too many of the same kinds of pictures and videos on my phone, but reiterating that I am so close to my degree and of course being 21 my parents generation loves social media/the internet so I wouldn't post anything like that. Once again, just my opinion. give me an add on here/osrs if you ever wanna talk bro. rsn: Sullli Indigoizm
  3. Whats up buddy! Let me first begin this response by saying that I am in no way shape or form trying to insult you. I smoke pretty much for everything, I have multiple oil rigs, I sometimes toss out wax for profit, and basically dabs are life. On that note, I still am one semester away from getting my degree before anyone trashes me for being a useless pot head. Secondly, I think it would be dope to be able to hop on a stream as I dab and geek out with some other people from around the globe/across the nation do the same thing.. it would be a cool way to discuss and be in awe of everyones' different pieces and what not.. nothing like seshes with fellow yabberdabbers and the more people lit in one area, the better. Why do you think bonaroo is the best place on earth? hahaha. About the youtube videos, I think that they are over done. The twitch idea seems pretty badass but you are really opening yourself up for the insults and shit that comes along with putting videos of huge rips and shit. To most people they will put you on blast in the comment section in the sense that you are "a pussy bitch that doesn't know shit about weed" and so on.... you know? just some of my thoughts. -on dab 3 -in middle of class -dabs4rsgp take it easy man
  4. I'm definitely pissed that I lost all of my shit, but I will admit that its pretty damn funny that I was faded and went through steps of logging into "secure server" on RS home page to then notice it wasn't the real one.
  5. yeah my dumb ass fell for it.. starting from scratch haha
  6. I can try to find cool open ones its fun for me
  7. Just throwing some names I have out... chrazed flatbuush torch dabs rap so acid
  8. I used bad wording, I meant to say this account I'm trying to sell is a "bottling account" in the sense that whoever buys could use it for that. All of the stats were hand trained back when osrs started.
  9. clean account no wealth no recoveries 2 years old
  10. I like the topic to actual post transition. Effective.
  11. I understand what you are saying, but you need to consider that I posted this in the "price check" forum not the forum to sell the account. I was hoping for an answer that only regarded my accounts stats, not my forum account.
  12. Look up the staff of the dead pure. I stay low strength to get my 75 attack req for staff without going over 53 cb
  13. 75 attack 36 strength 1 defence 78 magic 1 prayer 65 hp ancient book filled
  14. Thank you! Honestly, everyone has been on top of it and I can't really think of anything else at the moment. I'm sure that will change shortly though.
  15. Not sure what that is but whats up twins, I have your green drag script! Tom my man whats good
  16. What's up Noah, Thanks for taking the time to reply man it means more than you think and it definitely was beneficial to read. Unfortunately what brought me here in the first place was lack of drugs (rs gp) and the reason I can't just buy every awesome script I see is due to drugs (I like dabs) On a serious note, I can relate to your story on how you got involved here for sure! The last thing I want to do right now is make a bunch of promises I won't be able to keep but I plan on being active in this community as long as I am still playing rs. Who knows, maybe even after that I'll want to stick around as an old-balls like you hahaha. Thanks again for your response. Thanks Maldesto, I won't let ya down... I only say that cause your name/post count/forum rank is intimidating. Muffins! Cool to see your name on my thread, you were one of the first names/scripters I discovered and tried out. I appreciate your work brotha
  17. Hey guys and gals, I just thought it was about time for me to make an introduction post. Although I am not brand new to this forum/site, I have been sitting back and getting a feel for the community and how things work. I am 21 from the SE United States and have been playing rs for as long as I can remember (off and on). Being in college, I still love to play in my free time but I just don't have enough of that to do everything on my own... Hence why I am here! I want to become a pretty active member of this forum and friends with many of you, so don't hesitate to spark up a convo or include me I will most likely be down. That being said, my account looks noobish and I feel like it is keeping me from testing out some scripts/getting detailed answers to my questions. I have purchased multiple scripts (I believe a total of 5 or 6) in the short time I have been a member of osbot, but anyone could say that. If you guys have any advice on how to work my way out of the pleb-zone and/or want to talk just hit me up! Thanks everyone
  18. for sure man, I've got the fleshies, ankou, range guild, now this mlm one. Definitely hit my limit on what I wanted to spend in order to build an account for money/etc, but let me know if you have anything I could trial/test either for your benefit or just because ;). keep it up
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