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Everything posted by bullettooth001

  1. well czar it finaly happend i got caught with the fishing account only using your scripts but thats ok i still love u and will be starting over made it to 82 fishing and over 30mill
  2. u need to let it run for 30 minutes i loved your script dont get me wrong its good just a few fixes and needs to be able to cut topaz
  3. lubby bow string likes to get stuck up stairs down stairs goes down to many and cant get back up and gets stuck on door to the wheel also doent allways click on the stairs and just trys to use the mini map to go up them and click around it
  4. czar the scropt not showing logs gained / hour when u get a chance thanks and can u add seers yews i cant figure out custom
  5. czar think u can put in runenite and in safe places for me to mine some good good hehe
  6. ok dont need 48 hour just bought it allways trys to go upstairs with out any of the boxes checked i only have 40 mining so cant go upstairs but would love for u to fix the banking so i can farm some more money
  7. mirror mode and my breaks and intervals are mine to keep sorry if every one matched mine wouldent work as well
  8. 48 hour trial please czar would be awsome bought alomost all your scripts allready
  9. can u all stop complaining about how it drops it top to botom left to right all the same if any thing i would want it to mess up on clicking sometimes to look human czar u do a great job thats for the hard work
  10. no proggy report of screen shots but i wanted to thank u i made it 247 hours and made a crap ton of sharkies and 27mill
  11. yews in dranor sent have finding trees or walking path walks around where ever it wants back and forth same spot even when choping trees
  12. please fix i caught a screen shot this time befor i went to bed lol
  13. it logs me out while i am sleeping buddy
  14. czar idk how much help i can be but about 4 hours in to the pefect fiser in catherby doing sword fish it gets stuck dont know what i can do to fix it but i turned it on at 1230 and went to bed at 12 45 it does this alot [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 04:56:28 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 04:56:32 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 04:56:35 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 04:56:37 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 04:56:42 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 04:58:13 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 04:58:14 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 04:58:16 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 04:58:20 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:00:45 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:03:31 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:04:18 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:04:19 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:04:30 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:07:35 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:07:46 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:10:51 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:10:53 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:10:58 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:12:09 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:12:19 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:17:32 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:21:36 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:21:38 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:21:40 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:21:44 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:26:37 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:26:38 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:27:40 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:28:51 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:28:53 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:28:57 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:30:16 AM]: / Opening inventory to refresh [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:33:32 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:33:39 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:36:34 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:44:30 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:44:34 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:47:51 AM]: / Dismiss [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:48:00 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:50:55 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:50:57 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:51:13 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:53:50 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:55:19 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:57:02 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:57:04 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:57:07 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:58:15 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 05:59:57 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:04:35 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:04:38 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:05:38 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:05:49 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:10:44 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:10:47 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:10:50 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:11:12 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:11:21 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:11:25 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:13:19 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:17:47 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:21:05 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:21:14 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:24:14 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:26:19 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:29:47 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:35:16 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:35:19 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:36:12 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:41:00 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:43:23 AM]: / Enabling run [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:43:40 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:43:42 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:44:18 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:49:26 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:49:32 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:54:20 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:59:27 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 06:59:29 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:00:12 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:00:15 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:00:20 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:02:49 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:03:19 AM]: / Dismiss [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:03:31 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:05:31 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:10:00 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:10:02 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:10:05 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:10:11 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:14:20 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:16:47 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:17:15 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:17:21 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:19:25 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:22:26 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:22:28 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:22:30 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:22:45 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:22:51 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:24:37 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:24:39 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:24:54 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:31:05 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:31:08 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:31:18 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:32:09 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:32:10 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:32:22 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:32:45 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:33:32 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:38:25 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:38:30 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:38:49 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:41:53 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 07:44:38 AM]: / fish.atarea or fish exists 1003 [WARN][bot #1][06/07 10:15:18 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [iNFO][bot #1][06/07 10:15:18 AM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen [iNFO][bot #1][06/07 10:15:18 AM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen [iNFO][bot #1][06/07 10:15:54 AM]: Terminating script Perfect Fisher... [WARN][bot #1][06/07 10:15:59 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [ERROR][bot #1][06/07 10:15:59 AM]: Caught thread death in EventExecutor [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 10:15:59 AM]: / Terminated. [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 10:15:59 AM]: / // PerfectFisher terminated [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 10:15:59 AM]: / // Fish caught: 1358. [DEBUG][bot #1][06/07 10:15:59 AM]: / // Net profit: 433616. [iNFO][bot #1][06/07 10:15:59 AM]: Script Perfect Fisher has exited!
  15. best best best best script i have every used thank you so much was verry worth it would have paid more if u wanted it hope u come out with some more scripts a perfect miner would be awsome or thief but take your time i like your work you do i great job wish i could learn how to make scripts like you
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