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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Trump

  1. shit.... 14-15 RWS past three months B+ you slut..... but i havnt played in almost exactly a month because i got bored.
  3. hey buddy look at this https://i.imgur.com/NAqf9uK.png this account has a two day ban already just got out of it. https://i.imgur.com/NAqf9uK.png ????
  4. i7 cpu because of the extra cores
  5. Like I said, im letting him know what i learned from botting. He asked for advice so im giving him what i learned. Im not getting emotional at all. Just find it funny how you get mad over my advice. i told him not to buy membership as he will most likely be banned f2p woodcutting probably with a free script.
  6. this clown, im giving him what i know. so stfu. ahh
  7. im leaving it on all night so it will add another 8 hours if its banned.... you right.
  8. oh well im botting for 14 hours straight now on an account with 2 day ban.
  9. really? i have never been banned on weekends. are you using the woodcutting account to sell ? or just for making some extra gp? just dont bot to much on it and you might get lucky.
  10. no, they will still check on monday if it looks like you are botting and woodcutting is very high banrate.
  11. they dont work on the weekends so they dont ban on weekends. they will usually know if you botted and get banned on monday or 2-3 days after
  12. dont buy members it will probbaly be banned monday. just wait a couple days in the weekday
  13. rather do it by hand but botting will be cheaper.
  14. 1.1m bid for whatever this game, since my last question got deleted
  15. dragon slayer too right? will you have that combat level to do it?
  16. well i can get you one with exact hunter level you want + the other requirments. How much are you looking to spend?
  17. I can get a couple 63 hunter accounts and do the rest of what you need.
  18. yeah, i have never been banned with fruity nmz script, its amazing. i botted 3-6 hours a day on it czar and khal i usually always get a delay ban
  19. says the guy who got his account banned no kha scritps are good but nothing beats fruity NMZ on osbot.
  20. could i get a trail please
  21. stealth quester and Fruity NMZ, they are what give me the energy to keep living.
  22. Adminship is handed down??? JUST LIKE OLDEN TIMES????? YOU COMMIE!!!!
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