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  1. yellow123


    It was just over 4 weeks ago when I wrote my introduction post, and now I say my farewells. When I first started botting 07 a month ago, I had 1.5m and as of yesterday that amount had grown to ~350m. These past 3 days I have been extremely successful, having made 175m. However, with success comes complacency, and with complacency comes mistakes. I logged in this morning to check inventory before selling my gold, and I found that every account I have was banned including my main, mules and my disposable bots. Lucky for you goldsellers out there, because I was about to flood the market with gold It is unfortunate that this happened but I'm surprisingly complacent, because even though these last 4 weeks I have net -1.5m, I have met a handful of upstanding people to whom I express my thanks. I am leaving for Europe this Sunday and I will be there for 4 weeks, and then Uni starts back up again, so there is no sense in starting over. Yellow
  2. Service You Want: 20 tutorial Islands completed Price You Want: 50k each (1m total) Skype Name: yl.123 Do You Agree to TOS: yes
  3. He refused to use MM, because he "pays a premium to be trusted." Seems a little odd tbh.
  4. Currently doing 20 tutorial islands for me
  5. Not here at least. I posted my account with 99's, 16 effigies and 256k dungeoneering tokens and nobody responded.
  6. I'm not saying it offends me I'm just saying you're rude and immature.
  7. Jams why do you post these kind of comments? Sometimes it is best to keep your opinions to yourself, especially when it can offend others.
  8. Keep it a lvl 3. The moment you level combat you will immediately regret your decision to do so. I had a lvl 3 with 99 rc, 99 farm and 99 fishing back in the day, and I wanted to be able to do godwars, so I leveled up combat, and I instantly wished I hadn't. I'm surprised Jams hasn't trolled your thread yet.
  9. Today i met my girlfriend at mcdonalds and touched tips with her dad. This was not a normal father he was sick. He told this daughter, that unfortunately he was dying of boredom due to flaccid
  10. I have experienced similar things when purchasing services from people. Don't agree to finish something within a specified time, if you cant actually get it done.
  11. Max Scammed me when he was twc.
  12. I think that maybe instead of banning people completely, just ban them from conducting any services. I do believe in second chances, but when money is involved there should be no forgiveness. I also think all feedback prior to the scam should be reset to zero, excluding the negative feedback.
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