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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Nate

    Stealth Quester

    @Token For waterfall, if 10hp, what are the risks of it dying? For witches house, does it safe spot the experiment?
  2. If I can find my old bitcoin address and stuff I'll do it. I'll pm you if I do.
  3. That's why you actively change the botting duration and break times...
  4. Please don't de-rail this fella's thread.
  5. EDIT: Oh wtf you can pot and enter wtfffff
  6. Started the bot at level 45 at the G.E Went afk, did some shit, come back, now 75. Amazing script bruh will purchase as soon as it's released for getting rejuev on alts Thanks for the trial!
  7. How do you get into range guild at 33 range? EDIT: Oh wtf you can pot and enter wtfffff
  8. Almost 200k/hr doing oak larders. But it's not on store to buy? How much is the script?
  9. Well, 1-40 takes maybe 1-2 hours. Then you can run range guild.
  10. Can I get a trial bby?
  11. Got one with 51 mage and 10hp atm offer
  12. Nate


    u spastic twat or what
  13. Nate


    sorry but I don't negotiate with terrorists.
  14. Nate


    Applying client injections / modifications fuck jagex
  15. Script amazing as the rest of them @Czar Much love
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