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Everything posted by mercyman
lold is that it man I was expecting more. P.S we all know you read it.
lol wow did I hit a sore spot, just stating my thoughts on what you wrote jesus christ I could feel your rage as I was reading it . first off when did I state that I was running 10 account of 1 ip?? I have run 2 blast furnace bots for no more than maybe 16+ hours total over 3 days and both perm banned . fair enough blast has really high ban rate but I did a test on stealth and lasted around same time so I know from experience and testing mirror doesn't do much.. feel free to test it yourself. Blast furnace is being target by jagex so blame it on that if you will but again I Still claim it does fk all. "I've also taken business courses for my minor." Show off much ... only joking I also have qualifications in business from college and I am currently enrolled at university studying computer games design. While the course does cover a lot of topics I have had to write multiple papers on virtual economy's and micro transactions within games. Im sure you wont believe me but I would be willing to prove it should it bother you that much. "I've been botting for years and a ban does not stop me from botting." && Do you even know how much gold prices have fluctuated up and down over the years? your one of the persistent botters and so am I however a lot of people are not. Most new people who bot would go for money making methods in my opinion. getting banned daily at blast furnace "currently the most popular money making script" isn't going to be the best start and will deter a lot of new botters. Not to mention most new botters start botting on mains so that also a factor they might last longer but it will happen. To the second quote I was mainly talking since the introduction of bonds and there has been a decline and it will continue in my opinion. Bonds have probably been around longer than you've been apart of the botting community I just laughed so hard when I read this. I started playing runescape in 2004 maybe late 2003 it was so long ago I cant even remember. It was maybe a year or two after I started botting so 2006 latest. I personally don't play wow or any blizzard game so I cant say anything about the anti-cheat measures they use. P.S. even my osbot account is older than yours so not sure why you would bring this point up lol. I'll even go as far as quoting your exact words: "the selling price of gold on-line keeps dropping while bond prices in game keep rising." Are studying journalism by any chance, I only ask because way to selectively quote from what I wrote. So explain to me why someone would want to buy $18 worth of bonds which would equate to 3 bonds worth 2m each for a total of 6m over $18 worth or gold which would equate to ~10m. Please do explain your logic because you make little to no sense to me. "It will get to the point where you will get more gold for your money buying from jagex then a reseller" I highlighted the bit you may have missed/misquoted need I say any more? I will name a game that has uses exactly the same feature as runescape bonds. tibia, the gaming economy is a lot different however the bonds are used in exactly the same way just called membership scrolls and they have done exactly what runescape are doing now aggressively targeting bots which inflated the price of bonds and had a massive effect on the black market. like I said it is a very different economy but take a look if you have some free time. anyway I am done now as i am too high and bored with writing this lol .. no need to get so salty bro what I wrote wasn't an attack on you just telling you my opinion on what your wrote. I look forward to your reply lol hopefully this time a little less aggressive.
I disagree your whole point lies on the fact that people will continue botting even after being banned every week, which isn't the case especially at blast furnace the most botted place currently you are lucky to last a day even using mirror mode which I still claim does fk all lol. Anyway back on point jagex will see increased profits in short term as you said people will just remake the accounts and buy bonds, in the long run only the most persistent gold farmers will continue and the profit they make will take a hit so even then it will not be worth it. as for you saying there wont be less bots in the game you are 100% wrong the whole point is to make less bots in game and its working. I knew with the introduction of bonds it would be the death of bots and more so gold farming because jagex now have a financial reason to target them instead of a customer service reason. I would say it all comes down to this, the selling price of gold on-line keeps dropping while bond prices in game keep rising. It will get to the point where you will get more gold for your money buying from jagex then a reseller because they have to buy the stuff, it is free for jagex to make it and this is why jagex are aggressively targeting gold farmer and bots to raise the in-game price of bonds.
looks awesome.
how much does you do new accounts with coal bag for ? and any discount for bulk? also do you have any ready made ?
I haven't been banned on 4 accounts all on same IP. All have been at blast furnace 24/7 since thursday morning .
What timezone are you? : GMT What times are you available? : I am available all day ,I am at university studying computer games design however i cant see that having an impact on work times. How often are you usually on the computer per day? : As stated I am studying computer games design so I am nearly always at my computer when home and always connected by either ipad or phone when out. How long have you played runescape? : I have been playing so long I forget when I started, but I would say around 03-04. Give a short history of your runescape career (e.g when you started, if you ever switched runescape servers, did skilling services, sold gold, quit/took breaks, etc) : I started by playing legit got all skills to around 60 then discovered bottling, I would say I have pretty much done/seen everything possible in runescape I have had 3 maxed accounts and hundreds of money making accounts over the years. Do you play any other games other than runescape, if relevant what level/rank have you achieved in them? : i also bot on a game called tibia isnt very well known but have a very strong community and very interesting black market. Are you bilingual (list any other languages that you can speak)? : Only English . What consistent commitments do you have (e.g taking care of family, part-time job, volunteering, education)? : University. Will this job be your main source of income? : Yes other than student loans . Is there anything I should know about in terms of your history in the blackmarket (e.g a previous dispute)? :No.
I agree but it is how frequent they get banned that has changed. I have been botting for years on different sites and have never been hit so hard. I know all bot providers have the same problem, jagex have stepped up there game when it comes to bots but I brought vip for mirror and its seems in my experience to have not helped at all. i am really surprised this is still getting posted on .
im not mad about getting banned still making profit just characters only last 1-2 days max. too be fair im at blast furnace so thats not a massive shock just posting my experience with the bot so far
its not free vps its paid vps which i can get for free! as I already said. ok starting to repeat myself please people dont post unless you have read all previous posts. I use paid vps so deleting that file will help in no way what so ever!
i know a trick to get as many free vps accounts as i want every time i got banned used another with a fresh ip... so again i still think bot is detectable but who know i might just be unlucky.
it may be high ban rate but within a few hours on a members account. im afraid to say i have had loads of bans using only mirror client and different premium scripts from my experience I would say mirror client is detectable anyone not getting bans is just pure luck. hope you didn't lose to much
ok thanks ill give it a try.... how wouldthey detect this over vps ? as a account i was running on my pc and one i ran on vps both got banned at exact same time
started at blast furnace huge ban rate so i was expecting bans from that. again happened alot quicker than i expected .so tried rune crafting got banned within couple hours on 2 accounts.
has jagex discovered a way to detect mirror mode because my accounts don't even seem to last a day now. i am using mirror mode premium scripts and vps and still all getting banned. p.s not flagged ip as i change it after every ban.
hi, Not sure if the new mirror broke the script but it keeps getting stuck rotating the camera and just spinning constantly even when banking. im guessing this isn't a new anti ban feature. doesn't happen all time but a lot usually when banking bars.
sorry bro just sold but will have again very soon ill pm when got more.
Hi, looking to sell 5m 07 gold. i am selling for $1.90 per mil. willing to go first if you trusted also looking for permanent buyers as i am currently setting up bot farm. pm me Sam
could i get a trial please. probably going to buy it but would like to test it first. thanks