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  1. Hello I WTB torso and dragon defender (from iron) Acc stats are 71 hp 70/73/66. 75 range 80 magic. Please post or PM offers for both services or for each and ETA, along with your discord. Thanks
  2. Vouch finished regicide orders, very recommended
  3. Hi I'm in need of 4 regicide questd, 4 accs have already got kings message they're between 52 - 58 agil. Either way will leave enough money for you to buy supplies. Post your offer with discord so I can contact you
  4. Bump looking for 1 more regicide quest line
  5. Still looking for this to be done pm or post prices.
  6. Plague city, biohazard, underground pass and regicide, post price or Pm.
  7. Bump looking for 1 more service please pm or post price along with discord tag to add
  8. Boldcorn is doing this for me. Thanks
  9. Hello I currently have 2 accs, and probably soon a third which need Regicide questline. Leave here prices or PM me. I won't add you to discord till I hear your price. Accs have good CB stats and pray so combat parts won't be challenging. They also have 51 agility, I will leave enough money for you to buy supplies. Please post quote or PM thx Edit: Boldcorn did questing on 2 accs, looking for 1 service on another acc
  10. What do you need? : RegicideGoing first or middleman? : FirstWhat's your Skype/Discord ID? : cocotrashsythe#6639 Sent you a request
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