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Trade With Caution
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  1. damn csalamanders is great but a lil broken rip the dank script


  2. Container


    Can do this for 225k/kill. PM me if you're interested.
  3. Check out this; https://osbot.org/forum/announcement/22-new-osbot-git-account/
  4. I'd probably make it bury every 1, 2 or 3 bones with the amount of buries for each number of bones be most for 1 and least for 3 sets of bones.
  5. As Token said; I'd move the initialization of wPump to the fill() method.
  6. It's not really do-able in Java. EDIT: You could pass an int[].
  7. My old main didn't get unbanned - pretty sad about that one. Still wqiting for reply on like 7 accounts.
  8. Is it possible to use another weapon for special attack than the one you currently have equipped?
  9. LOL. Is that how you're supposed to do?
  10. Your 'stats' link is broken.
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