Hi All,
I've just made my second script, this one is an F2P Goldfarming, Potato Picker for OSRS.
My first scripts was an power fisher & chopper.
Notice: I wanted to make something new with banking, and it works pretty well so I will be adding this banking to my power fisher and chopper script:)
If you'd like to try it out, heres the .jar just put it inside OSBot/Scripts/
Feedback / bugs appreciated:) spent a few hours on this (yeah I know, I'm rusty - flame away, if that's how you feel to contributors, I know its been posted before but the one on SDN Does not work!)
v1.3 .jar link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ps4kva8c3ojkwej/PotatoGF.jar/file
v1.4 .jar link (Added Timer, For all you big farmers): https://www.mediafire.com/file/7ziw5c9avtme84x/PotatoGF.jar/file
v1.4 2Hour Proggy: