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  1. Im starting my own firecape service because yetserday my friend sayd make me firecape and i did it and i enjoyed it and geting the 3m in my hand. So if u need firecape get some stats 44+prayer u gotta put supplies on account and offer me howmuch u pay me for that service. Going first Read This: 1. You may not log into the account during a service unless you have permission from the owner of the service, doing so will result in the termination of the service with NO Refund. 2. You MUST NOT change the details of the account until the service has been completed, doing so will result in a void service with NO Refund. 3. If there are any items required for the service, it is between you and the service owner to come to an agreement on who covers them 4. You MUST change your password after the service is completed 5. If you have any substantial wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it (Either Bank Pin/Transfer Trade) 6. Once the service is complete you must leave Feedback for the relevant parties involved 7. You MUST Post on the service thread to acknowledge their individual T.O.S and start the service 8. If the Service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S related to bans/mutes become obsolete (Unless evidence can be provided of prior botting)
  2. Hello could i get crabs free trial ? im looking to buy it thanks
  3. Hello could i get free trial of the hunter script? So i could buy it after?.ty
  4. Legit for selling 3m to me

  5. Hey could i get free trial of ur hunter? please
  6. I would want to join hunter gold farming i can run 4 bot sametime
  7. Hello id like 48hour trial so i can check it out for buying thanks :P
  8. Yeah first get account posts to 100 so u can sell em.
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