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Dark Rose

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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Welcome back and good luck botting
  2. Dark Rose


    Aw thats sweet
  3. Nice but I don't think 1341 sells leet
  4. People who buy bonds for gold farming accounts probably bot 24/7 and bot riskier things since they can afford and don't mind risking it.
  5. Once its too high level you can always turn it into a zerker or something anyways I think
  6. People are blood thristy. I swear theres always that one person near you with their mouse hovered over the report button just waiting for you to say do something wrong
  7. don't a lot of the more well organized gold farmers use them? I've heard of people getting banned for just using a vpn alone, since bot detection associates vpns with gold farming bots.
  8. Dark Rose


    This song describes my life
  9. RIp can't you just ss the post?
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