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  1. Hey, Works like a charm. One problem though, could you make it to collect the nests? Does not seem to do it now Cheers!
  2. Hey man, Having some problems with the script at Seers. When running sometimes back from the church, it does not click to climb up, instead the mouse just hovers there... Does happen like every 10-20 times, depending where script moves the camera. Also, would like if you would implement right click option, would make the script a lot faster... Now I am getting quite low xp/hour compared to normal gameplay.
  3. Possibilities for a trial run? Bought your fishing script and its running great, thinking about buying this and thieving scripts too EDIT: As the other guy, I bought it. If its half as good as your fishing script, I'm happy
  4. Hey man, would love to try this one. Wanna grind my agility up on my HC and I hate the skill....
  5. Hey man, Big thumbs up to you, you just made my HC-ironman a bit more interesting, since I hate buying stuff 24/7 and that it is what you basically do half the time...
  6. Cannon support would be awesome, and whopping if its too crowded! Thank you in advance!
  7. losmikki

    BETA v1.7.24

    Noticed, that using breaks is also good method to solve randoms.. After logging back to random, bot handles them, for example mine solved drill demon and surprise exam Ps surprise exam door ID:s: red:25378, blue 25379, green 25381, purple 25380
  8. losmikki

    BETA v1.7.24

    If it helps, frog queen id: 444
  9. Ohh, sorry guys, never noticed that before and i've been playing (botting) this game for ages.. I'll fix it now!
  10. Hey all of you! I dont usually post into thise forums, but I dont undestand people who are blaming scripters about their accounts getting banned because of botting so I desided to give few simple tips how to avoid the next time getting banned! TIPS: 1. Dont be stupid I've seen alot of 20h-30h proggies posted to the forums. If you dont have test account that you want to get banned, i suggest you bot max 12-14 hours a day. Also, i remind that OSBot has ability to use breaks to produce more humankind botting exprience. I can put it to you this way: if you would play without botting would you be fishing or alching for 24h straight without any breaks? Guess not... Check your bots as much as you can, or babysit them! 2. Location & time More people get familiar with bots everyday, more crowded the usual spots get and more bot raids there will be. Choose your spot from the not most crowded ones, choose the world right and think about the time bot raids have been usually done. Jagex HQ is in Great Brittain so it's more unlike to get banned during the nighttime in GMT-timezone. Right spots also avoid you from getting reported by those who dont know how to bot. And if you want to be 100% to not get banned, don't bot at all, it's that simple! Most of you know how thise things go, but still I'm surprised about the amount of people who are flaming here because of bans. If you have some other simple tips I'm more than willing to add them here. Thank you for reading, losmikki
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