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  1. I appealed the ban using the appeal system, it came out a few months ago. This acc got banned because it was chainbanned while I botted on another account. And due to the account actually not botting itself, they just unbanned it
  2. http://prntscr.com/gh229n So I ended up getting this account unbanned using Jagex's appeal system, cause it got chainbanned a few years ago. But during that time I had made a new account and would prefer the new one over this one. What would be a good thing to do with this account? I don't really want to sell the account cause there is a lot of hassles alongside it. Should I just afk magic trees or get a bot and bot something, I dont really care if this one gets banned since my new one is better anyways. What I had in mind was just get an autofighter and kill abyssal demons till i get bored.
  3. I was wondering about that 50m NMZ pack, how does that work, could I give you a level 3 and for 50m I get all that? And its not botted?
  4. Yea havent played in awhile, since I moved to league cause my main was banned, but thought of just afking to max again :p
  5. Mako


    I would rather get dungeoneering, I had fun with that
  6. Any news on the serum update?
  7. I think hes just spamming for post count, hes been saying "works for me" and " got my 99, thnx" on random threads lol You don't need 100 post count anymore bro But, thanks for helping me get those little xp boosts for my 99 :p
  8. Can't wait till the update goes live, have enough serums for 99
  9. Any reason why I only get 25k-30k fishing xp while doing barbarian fishing, im above 80 fishing, and the screenshots on the main page show a good 50k at level 80 so was just wondering if I could fix that somehow :p
  10. Sorry I didn't see the reply, but yea it clicks the area in the deposit box, but sometimes it misses and gets onto the other side of the area
  11. You could use the lobsters as food for slayer.
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