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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by StarService

  1. been botting 2 months 0 accounts banned <---god of this secret never get banned method ;)
  2. I think with the support of the community, it will bring it to the staffs attention that his more than worthy of the title, the guy is a gifted scripter, well done to him
  3. w0000t finally somebody made my script suggestion :p was wondering how long it would be :3
  4. sandwich lady ain't got shit on him...
  5. we need a 'block' user in general, I've wanted to block debot as many time, that kid was so annoying posting unwanted remarks/pictures, that weren't even remotely funny
  7. I want a glowing blue name, I feel left out :'(
  8. StarService


    wearing santa hats seem to be doing me well >.< i got a little santa hat botting army never had a ban
  9. at first it just wasn't showing up in the client, then we decided to delete everything & start from scratch, now I duno wtfs happened o.O
  10. I hope your not giving away my secret spot I have a training bot spot, 30k xp an hour/40k+ gp and hour :p
  11. haha no he isn't at all, his just a little stuck, his local scipt won't go into his client, I can't find the problem whatsoever, can you help him out?
  12. is it a local script? PM TV details & I'll take a look
  13. quit being butthurt cause you lost 1 egg
  14. support! I wouldn't of bought my wildy looting script if I knew it was that bad
  15. when an accounts got a 2 day, might as well 24/7
  16. hellboy99138 was my first ever RS username... it was when the film Hellboy was coming out, the TV advert came on TV as I was making my first ever RS account :p
  17. If u click on the link some radom page will open and if you got ur music 100% U will shit ur pants oh, I can't be dealing with that
  18. oooah thats a close one, both smart & catastrophe have helped me so much both great guys! well deserved promotion though, congrats
  19. can you play Z-Day free? I like zombie survival games :p
  20. a well thought out guide, I think I might save this :p
  21. AFK, be back soon :)

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