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  1. blooddrups


    Hi, I can do this. My uptime is 10 to 12 hours/day Charge rate: 300K/hour
  2. BUMP, also offering fletching.
  3. blooddrups

    70-99 mining

    I'll probably be the cheapest. I mine @25KXP/hour. You can offer me a deal per level or per hour played. As u wish!
  4. BUMP. Also offering crafting leveling now.
  5. Hello all, Old time user who decided to join the osrs community once again! I'm looking to level up your mining skill as a side hustle. I'm not the fastest, but average about 25K XP/hour (+/- 200K XP/day), while training everything by hand. Are you looking to level up mining? Contact me and we can work out a deal! The only thing I require is lvl 41+ mining and a rune pickaxe . Can be done in F2P or P2P! Best regards, Blooddrups EDIT: also offering crafting & fletching nowadays
  6. blooddrups


    Talking on discord. Please confirm
  7. Need the following done on a FRESH account (lvl 3 in lumbridge). - animal magnetism and all requirements (levels, subquests,...) - lvl 60 range/mage Key is that the defense level remains at lvl 1. Post prices below plz.
  8. List me your price. Need a logo to be vectorised - Attention for detail is very important!
  9. Looking to buy 100m. Can do paypal/playerauctions.
  10. blooddrups


    interested in buying, added you on discord
  11. title... How much would it cost to get animal magnetism done on a fresh lvl 3 account?
  12. Hi All, Thinking about starting an account shop pretty soon. Would offer the following account: - 90 Range - AVA's device unlocked - 43 prayer. - 5M NMZ points How much would you value the account? It would cost approx. 13M to make each account so not sure if it's worth it....
  13. BUMP, account currently has the following stats: - 45 atk - 30 str - 85 range - 85 magic - 43 prayer - 1 DEF PURE
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