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  1. Awesome Script! I did run 3days now, 10hours/day. From 44agilty now it's 72. :P Awesome sctrip. Still not banned i'll grinding to 99 :P Still no Bugs found. Falador perfect Run without any problems, im Rn at Seers Still perfect no Bug. Update: Pollivilench: Still all good. WIthout anyproblems. Updating after i get lvl 80 and relleka.
  2. Bought! But some bug. Edge Nature Altar. When teleporting sometimes removing Glory. And teleport to Karamja and stuck in Karamja. Please fix it. And sometimes too stuck in edge bank.
  3. Hey Czar! Can i get a trial Please?
  4. Please fix the script sometimes getting teleported Karamja and get stucked. Or teleport out somehow Home or etc. Please fix that at abbysal Rcing big problem
  5. Its say error i can't download it.
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