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  1. bob the bot

  2. Keeps getting stuck at Catherby yews. Please fix
  3. Hey I really love this script, but it has been having a problem. I will start the script at the cammy teleport and it will then run to the bank to get tabs and fish, but upon arrival in the bank, it just logs out. I have tried starting the script in the bank and when I do it just immediately logs out. The script still works when I get it running on the path with everything in my inventory, but it makes multiple trips impossible. Please help me out. Thanks so much.
  4. Hey man I bought this script on the store using paypal, but have not received use of it. When I go to click it it just says buy? Can you please grant me access? Thanks a lot
  5. I need my name to be changed to swagg1. Thanks a lot
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