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Everything posted by Gilgad

  1. The Cbox conversation went something like as follows: "How much for fremmy trials + olafs quest?" "Stats?" "*Shows me a screenshot*" - (I ask for stats so I can give a price based on what combat stats you have, for example someone asked me today if I could do fremennik trials on a level 32, so I immediately asked for "stats" so I can see what I have to work with, what the prayer is, what the defence is, what the strength is, what the health is, I do this for every single client so I can give you a price, I even say this on my quest list). At this point I ask if he has fairy rings or a house near relleka unlocked as that will make the quests faster, thus lowering my price, he takes a while to respond so I ask him to go and add me on skype, heres how the conversation panned out. I have images of me during the service in this folder that is neatly organised with all members from my orders & which order they take. In his folder, for his order #1, I have screenshots of me loging in through a legitimate client, as well as me proving he didn't have stats (this was also after I started to buy items for the quest). Here is my ToS: I owe no refund. You don't make an appointment with a doctor tomorrow and turn up feeling well & ask for a refund, you still wasted the doctors time. Same principle applies here.
  2. How do I post screenshots/logs without others seeing it so only mods can as everything in my defence, which I don't need, have account information from my customer?
  3. How are we supposed to know he's a normal 20 def addy gloves pure when you just post stats, for all we know you made a shitty non-quested account and just botted stats lol. Anyways I dont do price checks :P gl with your sales if you make one.
  4. Should be a disclaimer when making accs about this, if there isn't already, been an issue for like 2-3 years.
  5. Bans/mutes Membership Quests Items unlocked/places unlocked Other special account thinks like edge spawn Other stats Missing a lot of info.
  6. Aug 12th there was a huge explosion in Tianjin, China, thoughts going out to those people. Stay safe xx English: (Watch this one, much better). https://video.fadl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xtf1/v/t43.1792-2/11729730_10153155176552424_1033965084_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjE1MDAsInJsYSI6MTAyNH0%3D&rl=1500&vabr=281&oh=0ba8e57a60937a09ef6ccb51bbd18346&oe=55CE5D76 Chinese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQwRMGa4jsU&bpctr=1439582387
  7. Order completed for @crimsonedge
  8. Completed order for @crimsonedge
  9. Why would you make this a local :| Grts on release though
  10. Service has been terminated as per ToS. You do not have the required agility level for "The Grand Tree". Quests Completed: (1/3) - Tree Gnome Village. Quests Partially Completed: (1/3) - The Grand Tree. Quests Terminated: (1/3) - Monkey Madness.
  11. Order completed, however you did not have the required smithing for a certain part of One Small Favour, went as far as I could. Completed service for 10k!
  12. Welp, first time using the script and safe to say i'm a happy customer. 11-50 magic Found a critique: Steel bars, when you have 9 steel bars in your inv, withdraw all coal, deposit all steel bars, withdraw all iron - close bank. Much less bot like. By doing this method of banking your xp/hr (magic) goes up from the current ~59k to ~65+k. Also you've named superheating steel bars in your GUI as superheating coal. Also, would be good if you didnt open the inventory after superheating all 9 ores, very bot like, no one does that, they just open the bank.
  13. Rip, items in inv & gear gave it away. Well done
  14. Show me your RS knowledge!! I'm giving you plenty of hints too.
  15. "Purchase here!" links me to this: http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/472-vmineraio/
  16. Gilgad

    Molly's Thiever

    Can I please get a trial. Thanks.
  17. So who's gonna make one that works? :P PS: Mods can you remove threads from SDN section that aren't on the SDN please much love.
  18. Oh i see, so with the proxification rules, if you put target hosts as *runescape.* the proxy IP will only effect the actual runescape client & browser, which mirror mode hooks on to, and that IP wont effect OSBuddy as it's a whole different thing, right?
  19. Right, but that only works for my bot that I want proxied. How do I run OSBuddy at the same time using my home IP address, so I have a bot running on 1 IP, and my main playing legit on my home IP?
  20. So I checked out this thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/68682-how-to-proxy-the-right-way-on-osbot-mirror-client/ I asked around in c box and still don't really get it but this is my first time using proxies and my main IP is flagged as fuck. Basically what I want is to bot on OSBot using the proxy I bought for my new acc that i'm about to make, meanwhile playing with my own home IP on a legit acc on OSBuddy, so that there is no link between the two accs. So OSBot = My bot proxy IP OSBuddy = My home IP How do I do this?
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