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  1. If it's not automated, how are you creating so many accounts and logging them in on the bot clients? By the pace bots are getting banned right now, you must pretty much be creating hundreds of accounts weekly? Not to mention creating emails for all those accounts and verifying them when Jagex detects them as suspicious... Do you just sit there and setup accounts all day? Genuinely curious.
  2. This is great, seems very interesting. Definitely looking forward to seeing how far you can push this! So if I'm understanding this correctly, you're at the point where you can start off with a blank server and have everything setup automatically? Installing all the software, followed by creating accounts, logging in and setting up all the bots, and have the bots trade the mules? Is there anything you still do manually in this process? (other than manual mules) Finally how do you automate everything? Do you use some kind of mouse/keyboard macro or is it all possible via command line?
  3. Fair enough. Without injection 7 days is possible, I've had F2P fishers last for 2-3 weeks myself (although they did have anti-patterns and I did bot sensible). I wouldn't give it much longer though if you're suiciding. What are you doing on OSBot if you're using another bot client though?
  4. You're running an F2P Woodcutter on injection client (assuming since you're not VIP) without any randomization and for 20+ hours a day without getting banned? Are you a wizard? I'm pretty optimistic about bot longevity if you know what you're doing but even I don't buy that...
  5. I've seen it. He makes some good points about computer/connections always being a little randomized. And yeah those points he mentioned are gimmicks (of which some are questionable) and will never make up for sensible botting/proper scripts, but I do think random mouse movements and breaks help. He's not addressing the human-like aspect, a human will still never have perfect reaction times and do one interaction instantly after the other, even with the connection delay.
  6. Yeah, the point is to create more human-like behaviour. No one does a task repeatedly with an exact waiting period in the range of say 300ms and 700ms. Over the course of time this becomes a pattern. Add a randomized 1-2 minute break once in a while and boom, your pattern is broken up (at least for a while). This doesn't break up the pattern of doing your task (this would certainly help as well), this simply breaks up the pattern of activity. I've personally had great success with this method, my longest lasting bots are the more inefficient ones, with breaking periods pretty much adjusted to how I'd actually play myself.
  7. It does change when you implement the other "garbage feature", breaks. You're breaking up a continuously repeated time frame of interactions in addition to adding more human-like mouse interaction. No human would move and click strictly on certain objects for hours on end without ever moving the mouse otherwise.
  8. I would consider anything that makes the bot less likely to get banned, anti-ban. I don't see how anti-ban is any different than anti-pattern, the point is literally to break up a pattern. And yeah random mouse movements, and small breaks are included imo. Honestly I'm not sure about camera movement, but we know mouse movement is tracked and we know that randomized/human-like breaks are vital to a long lasting script, so why exactly do you think these points are garbage? Obviously I'm assuming the script was decent to start with, none of these things will help a bad script.
  9. I have a general idea yes, unlike you, clearly. "Anti-ban doesn't exist IMO." You're literally contradicting yourself right now. Randomization IS anti-ban. And yeah, you said you'd add features customers wanted, obviously customers want anti-ban so that means you're implementing it without supporting it or even understanding why. Someone who knows that it works would be able to make it (more) effective. My opinion is based on experience. I've made and tested many private scripts of my own over the years and know exactly what gets you banned, what doesn't, and what improves the longevity of a bot. If anything, it's your opinion that's based on nothing but speculation. If you notice that your bots aren't very long lasting then you may want to look into your own code/theory rather than trying to convince people that it's normal. Lol.
  10. Of course it has impact on your work. It's common knowledge in the botting community that patterns (timed interactions, mouse movements, walking paths, etc) are a thing, if you refuse to acknowledge that it may very well have impact on your scripts and thus people's accounts. You clearly don't know or don't have enough experience to tell what kind of interactions cause bans (otherwise we wouldn't be having this argument), and you may very well be adding patterns with your added "undetectability". You're free to believe what you want. It is my opinion that people should probably not buy your scripts if they want a long lasting bot.
  11. There's no proof obviously, since none of us work at Jagex (I presume). Your opinion, however, also doesn't count as proof. I'm talking from personal experience, and I've made and experimented with plenty of self-made bots. If you play on mirror mode and use a somewhat randomized (private) script, it's perfectly possible to bot for weeks or even months without ever getting banned. If there's any pattern at all then you're going to get banned eventually yes, some "anti-bans" can also be recognized as patterns, so you have to be smart about it. If none of this matters, why do you think some bots last longer than others? Why can some bots go on forever consistently, while others get banned almost instantly? You're giving horrible advice and if this is your mindset while making scripts I'd HIGHLY suggest everyone not to buy this guy's scripts.
  12. Are you saying patterns aren't a thing? Which bot do you think is going to last longer, the one with randomly timed interactions or the one that clicks exactly every minute? Just because you'll probably get banned eventually doesn't mean you should speed it up.
  13. Thanks guys, this clears it up pretty much. This is the first time I had an acc last this long ?, I used to just get banned after a day or two with injection and bad/public scripts.
  14. Any idea how often these waves happen? I use Proxifier, only on the runescape client. How old were those accounts? How long have you been botting?
  15. Oh wow that's literally when I got banned. Were your accounts on different IPs as well? How do ban waves even work? Mirror mode just doesn't have a built-in proxy option, you can still run your clients via proxies.
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