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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom


    Probably not soon
  2. Tom


    Crazy, I remember a similar bug in mirror mode a while back when you would log out and back in, I'm assuming its related to mirror at this point but will take a look
  3. Tom


    Thanks I assume you're using mirror mode? the using null on the chaos altar seems weird unless you just worded it like that Also, if you arent aware you need to go through https://osbot.org/forum/forum/210-refunds-appeals/ for refunds as I don't handle them
  4. Tom


    Understandable, it would be good if you could tell me why it sucks though so maybe I can improve the experience for others
  5. Tom


    12h Trial added Yes it can safespot, you just need to set the tiles
  6. Tom


    That should be fine, where abouts was it running to? Maybe try force set the safespot tile with f3, make sure AFK mode and safespot is ticked and try again
  7. Tom


    Where are you fighting crabs? It runs away and comes back when you are out of combat for like 10 seconds, as long as your safespot is set on a tile between multiple spawns and afk mode is enabled, it should work fine (it does for me currently)
  8. Tom


    I didn't even know this spot existed If you can send me some pictures of the map where it is and where you would run to reset aggro, i can probably add it in for you though
  9. Tom


    Could you elaborate more here, I will need to see your setup Are you setting the safespot tiles?
  10. Tom


    Reset it, its only a 12 hour trial
  11. Tom


    Gave you a trial to test if you want, I dont have an account for this
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