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  1. Any dev reading this this is the stream of errors I get every single time i do it in all the different ways: http://pastebin.com/8nG7VDGk
  2. OS: XP, 7, 8, 8.1, server 2012 Java: JRE x86. Running more than 1 tab causes a crash with the canvas error which is reported in this forum aswell. Running more than 1 instance leads to the osbot client attaching its hooks into a rs client that already has hooks on it.. James
  3. Still get it on opening a new tab
  4. I must say I get where you're coming from but I can't see how it would take any longer than 30 seconds a day just to make a small thread saying " alright guys update will be here in 4 days :)"
  5. I must say I love this community but the communication between the developers --> mods --> VIP members who are actually paying for this service is weak. It would be nice to know an ETA on the freeze fix
  6. Cos it's such a beautiful creation and its a shame the mem leak hasnt been fixed. PS: I ain't complaining I know the harsh reality of lil bitches flaming about shit
  7. Currently spend my life refreshing the mirror client releases page crying into my pillow with frustration
  8. Windows x86 offline: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html
  9. Start -- > search programs and features --- > scroll down to Java x64 --> Select it and press uninstall button. Go to this link: JRE x86 download that file. double click that file once downloaded. install that file. Run OSBot Hurray!
  10. FooBar

    MirrorClient v1.03

    Click the zip file at the top it will begin downloading. unzip the file and extract mirrorclient.jar go to start > run > type in: %userprofile%/OSBOT/Data a folder will open, move the mirrorclient.jar to that folder. Run osbot, Select mirror client. Use as usual.
  11. OMG amount of times! Read the other threads its been answered a million times: - Uninstall JRE x64 - Install JRE x32 try again after and it will work
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