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Everything posted by Yooooooooo

  1. Would you like to lick my left ballsack?
  2. I'm sure of failure I left 4 pages of questions blank answered one question which would give me a great score of 4/50 I'm quite happy I wasted my time going to the test
  3. Dnenenennenenenenen ehh it's the joint yehhhh my squad stays on point like dnenenennenenenenen it's da joint. Hello motherfkers my name is Yamal Green I like in the leg land of power. Today I have a test in approximately 5 hrs and have 0 knowledge about it I cramed all night last night kinda helped did around 8/12 lectures before I slept now I feel die stage 2. I like to play with my penis because it's good. I like to play video games because it's fun. I like to sleep because it's relaxing.
  4. Aahhaha that deaf lumbar jack one was crackup
  5. Your going to need toilet paper, a spade(to shit in mayne dont pollute the natural habitat mayn make sure u dig a deep hole and shit in it and use a stick to mix the shit with dirt mayn, out here we like to keep things clean and natural), headtorch(this is very handy for night time), thermals like holy shit mountains are cold no shit man.
  6. Thats nice man but its alg man we wont watch it
  7. I once taped up for a 3 day expedition i never took it off, i walked thru flowing currents with my fellow fuckers, I climbed multiple mountains in the wet rainy terrain, I slipped and injured myself on the shitty wet terrain that seemed forever at 70 degrees angle upwards i was like fuck my life, i camped at the mountains ridges and shit I fucked up shit up i dug a hole with a spade to shit in with my fuckers which all shat in the same hole, we had to cook using a shitty kerosene shitty shit in the rain for 11 people we fucked up ********a, 2 nights in the rain man we were soaking my balls were wet, my ass was wet i was cold as fuck the altitude the wind on my ballsack and such, i almost died on the cliff edge, my asshole was wet for an entire day, so was my ballsack, then after 3 days i returned to the homebase and i took the tape off and my feeet were soggy and beutiful, then i didnt have a wwank for 21 sdays
  8. Id like to get sexually offended by that hot chick
  9. Dude you just gotta tape up fool
  10. Ufkc yeh sirens and shit and ********as in the beginning it kinda sounds like Nas shoot em up, it goes dem ********as at the start den them siren are like weeeeeeeeeeewewerwewewwewweweweww like holy shit them sirens are autistic and shit anyway then its like got that type of nice autistic spasm sound tstststststtttktkktkktksktkstkstsksksk then weeeewwewwewewweewew it started off strong with the strong sirens and nas shoot em up then it went week with the autistic sirens and stskkskksksktksktsktskkskksksktksktskk needs to be more ********a u feel me MORE ********GGGGGA YEHHH FUCKKK EWOEJOWEJWOJEWIOHOrdbneosijkfnjkasdlnfasjdklfnkasdjnfslf
  11. YO sup man my mmr is a mere 4.6k
  12. Ehhh ehhh ehh ehh ehhh yeeeeee ye eee ye ee ehhh tsss tsss tsss. Greetings fellow Osbotters and whatnot. I have actually never given a proper semen filled introduction before. Hello Im that yooooo wwowowowowoowohohohohoohohoh yeeee sup WOOOOOOHHH yeeeeee fuck yeee man mmmm yeh mmm yeh mmmmmmmm yeh fuck yeh. Anyway sup man like I paly runescape sometimes like when im watching a youtube video or something. Yeh I like to play Dota dota is pretty good. Sometimes I play games to enjoy the game and games are what make games good. Now picture this picture perfect, I paint a perfect picture yeee woooooooooooooooooooooooooh knowm saiyan ohh yeh ehh ehh yeh Im like the whackest of demall my ********as call jamal I bump up on the hallway see you in the mall I like jews sometimes when they are hot but who doesnt like girls that are hot and what not? They can be anything when you drop 25c, even a flower pot. I have never done such absurdities in my life and that is only the truth, but what i have experienced in the past is the beuty of my bedroom roof, I stared at the ceiling watching the walls goof. Yeh so I was walking down the street one day I was like hmmm I would like to fornicate the opposing sex, so I ended up going home and fliping out my mobile phone along with my member. So the other day I was doing a benchpress and my back broke. So I was saying hello to my member down below and thought lets hit him up for another run. I hoped you enjoyed the sensation of the wind today when it ran through your spine whilst a pretty lady was sitting beside you or what not. tl;dr Yes yes I didnt read the entire thing alright let me summarize, so basically I went out to the beach the other day and I saw a massive shark. Now there were about 20 people swimming in the water at that time and one of them some how caught their leg in the sharks mouth i was like damn dude i need to call the abulamb ( ) I was like ********a call the ambulamb and shit. Anyway I ended up having 20 stitches on my leg and got a high dose of dat drugs in the hospital. Then the other day I ran across the street and saw a dog and it was like lying down on its back i was like dude are you okay and then he bit me in the thumb and my thumb became red and my thumb started to drool out blood i was like dude are you fucking okay so then iw as like dog on the streeet can you like lick my foot cause it feels good man. anyway I ended up contracting herpes from the dog and I had to cut my ballsack off because someone called the police and they said I wasnt suppose to be eating dog shit. So I went back home land recoved and all that, I went home and then I was like rhyming and stuff and then I hear sirens out on the streets im like wtf man I just wana make some music in peace so then I saw some fireman knock on my door they said ********a did you call us cause there aint no fire here I was like wtf are you talking about man i dont want no fine or shit cause i didnt call you ********as then they checked my phone number and it wasnt mine and i said ********a that phone number is form my neighbours ********a; so its turns out my neighbour said my records were on fire i was like cheer son too bad you gotta pay the $5000 fine for calling up emergency for no emergency ya idiot.
  13. HAhaha dude I was in the same steamboat , i was like dude i got premium coeds and stuff and iw as like dawg they lay there sunbathing and shit i was like dude ddo i let them turn into toast or do i make cream out of them you knowm saiyan.
  14. Yeh you want an exploding name ehh, ey ye ye fuck yeeee dude look at my name and tell me thats not shitting diarrhea, yeeee eeehheehhehehhoooohoohoohohoo yeeehohohowwoohohoh dude i got a suggestion of a name yeeee fuck yeeee fucking : Hippinoticus360 or how bout Raperino720 or how bout SacredBallsack420x
  15. Yeh fosho homie i feel ya shit man yoyoyoyoyooyoyoyooyoyoy wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  16. Yeh yeh word up son you know how it is ye ye ye this the way it suppose to be word up.
  17. Yooooooooo


    Nah dude u just gotta be on the buzz G straight up I see a lot of you frontin like 10 times a day naa Bo that shiz is not the buzz man u gotta be frontin like 2 games per day and winning them both then norms til the next day u finna get better elo and shiz and wat not if u ain't frontin 24/7 without a fully loaded brain my son b as nga f u homie peace.
  18. Sup botzzzzzzz, can I get a 26hr trial please my friend I am contemplating on getting this script I've already got 7 of your scripts and I'm glad I do G wooooooooooooooooooo!
  19. yooo sup dawg how'd u manage to get dat shid workin after 15 minitz g i had a hard tiem watching it go back and fourththru the stronghold 1 gates and i was like damn son i wana have a fap or some shid u feelme
  20. Same thing happening to me except impicking stronghold 2 but anyway that shiz just done fked up i mean shid mang it was working finefor thepast week until today it just done fked up u feelme
  21. I've been using this for about 2weeks and I say this, this has to be my favorite script out there its flawless all you need is a hammer and a pickaxe just make sure all gave a hammer witchu or else you finna get an error or sommit goodjob czar
  22. Yooooooooooooo sup man I don't think anyone else has this issue besides me but every time I fish for some good kush u know the swordfish with the harpoon in fishing guild or lobsters at catherby and what not, this script would fish well hell yeh it fishing well or at least aight but after like maybe 30 mins to an hour it just stops, as in my character would stand there doing nothing with some fish in the invent and do fk all ay and then would log me out. So I'm just like dayum man I just want some fish for like at least 2 hours u known sayan
  23. Yo bro could I get a free script or two I've bought a couple of your finest ones including Perfect chopper, Miner and Fisher yooo
  24. Yo bro I completely agree I bot fo like an hour 30 minutes and always logs out like da hell man I wana go to sleep and not set the alarm every hour or two to log back in you feel me czar. Just to add some info usually I log back in its next tot he fishing spot with almost a full invent of fisheries and good stuff, the log says nothing bro the script continues but the log says nothing. I wana get a good nights sleep bro yo bro yooooooooooooo czar you'll know how to fix this ay well this happens to me in catherby when catching lobsters yoooooooyoyoyooyoyoyo
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