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Everything posted by Okabe

  1. 1) don't get arrested 2) start bachelor
  2. didn't brussel start this? press the local numbers button and if you are lucky they have a national number that redirects you for free.
  3. 8bit gifs or 80's style signatures.
  4. Okabe


    Proxy - server that lets you use the IP of the server on the bot. Vpn - server that lets you use the IP of the server on your entire computer. Vps - server that lets you run the bot on there system using their IP, CPU & Memory. Vps NAT - server that lets you run the bot on there system just like a normal vps but the IP is shared with other users of the same company.
  5. Vote to kick would be both cool and scary but i kinda like the democracy.
  6. Yes please add me on skype to claim it just ask sinatra for it.
  7. Please download and install java, if you already have java try downloading and running jarfix.
  8. Like the post so you are included in the re-roll in case the user does not pick it up.
  9. Congrats 10kidswithaids The good reason one is still up for grabs.
  10. good luck to everyone will come back tomorrow to pick a winner. Its still possible to enter for everyone that wonders.
  11. its not a joke i posted it on 1aprl since the vps ends 1may
  12. The prices: 1GB 1cpu vps worth 10$ The 1GB vps will be given away by random.org tomorrow 13:00 GMT. VPS will come pre installed with debian & osbot. How to enter: Like this post & comment below. I have 1 more vps to give away so if you have a special reason to need a VPS please post below.
  13. Debian is faster in updates for stuff like java. I do prefer centos for web servers etc. Yes it helps stop chain bans. Retry i fixed it in the guide.
  14. Agree to TOS: yes Type of acc: Tutorial island botted Amount: 10 Delivered.
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